The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

God, please, not now.

She tilted her glass and chugged the rest of her drink as if it were

only water. With an unsteady hand she poured a little more orange

juice and a lot more vodka.

Most nights she wasn’t really drunk until eleven or twelve o’clock, but

tonight, by nine-thirty, Ellen was thoroughly intoxicated. She felt

fuzzy, and her tongue was thick. She was floating dreamily. She had

attained the pleasant, mindless state of grace that she had desired so


When she glanced at the kitchen clock and saw that it was nine-thirty,

she realized it was Joey’s bedtime. She decided to go upstairs, make

sure he said his prayers, tuck him in, kiss him goodnight, and tell him

a bedtime story.

She hadn’t told him any stories in a long, long time. He’d probably

like that.

He wasn’t too old for bedtime stories, was he? He was still just a

baby. A little angel. He had such a sweet, angelic, baby face.

Sometimes she loved him so hard that she thought she’d explode. Like

now. She was brimming with love for little Joey. She wanted to kiss

his sweet face. She wanted to sit on the edge of the bed and tell him

a story about elves and princesses.

That would be good, so good, just to sit on the edge of the bed with

him smiling up at her.

Ellen finished her drink and got to her feet. She stood up too fast,

and the room spun around, and she grabbed the edge of the table in

order to keep her balance.

Crossing the living room, she bumped into an end table and knocked over

a lovely, hand-carved, wooden statue of Jesus, which she had bought a

long time ago, in her waitressing days. The statue fell onto the

carpet, and although it was only a foot high and not heavy, she fumbled

awkwardly with it, trying to retrieve it and set it back where it

belonged, her fingers felt like fat sausages and didn’t seem to want to

bend the right way.

She wondered fleetingly if the bedtime story was a good idea after


Maybe she wasn’t up l to it. But then she thought of Joey’s sweet face

and his cherubic smile, and she went upstairs. The steps were

treacherous, but she reached the second-floor hallway without


When she entered the boy’s room, she found that he was already in


Only the tiny nightlight was burning, a single small bulb in the wall

plug, ghostly, moon-pale.

She stopped inside the doorway, listening. He usually snored softly

when he slept, but at the moment he was perfectly quiet. Maybe he

wasn’t asleep yet.

Swaying with each step, she walked gingerly to the bed and looked down

at him.

She couldn’t see much in the dim light.

Deciding that he must be asleep, wanting only to plant a kiss on his

head, Ellen leaned close-And a leering, luminous, inhuman face jumped

out of the darkness at her, screeching like an angry bird.

She shrieked and staggered backwards. She collided with the dresser,

hurting her hip.

In her mind she saw a kaleidoscopic tumble of dark, horrific images: a

bassinet shaken by the fury of its monstrous burden, enormous, green,

animal eyes gleaming with hatred, flared, twisted nostrils sniffing,

sniffing, a pale, speckled tongue, long and bony fingers reaching for

her in the flutter-flash of lightning, claws tearing at her . . .

The nightstand light came on, dispelling the awful memories.

Joey was sitting up in bed. Mama?” he said.

Ellen sagged against the dresser and drew deeply, thirstily of the air

that, for a few seconds of eternal duration, she had been unable to

draw into her lungs. The thing in the darkness had only been Joey. He

was wearing a Halloween mask that had been shaded with phosphorescent


“What the hell are you doing?” she demanded, pushing away from the

dresser, moving toward the bed.

He quickly pulled off the mask. His eyes were wide. “Mama, I thought

you were Amy.”

“Give me that,” she said, snatching the mask out of his hands.

“I put a rubber worm in Amy’s cold cream, and I thought it was her

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Categories: Koontz, Dean