The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

upstairs to bed, but Ellen said, “You.”

Amy sighed and looked back at her.

Ellen’s eyes were blurry, bloodshot, the lids drooped. She blinked in

surprise. “What’re you doing home?” she asked groggily. “You’re more

than an hour early.” “Jerry got sick,” Amy lied. “He had to go home.”

aBut you’re more than an hour early,” her mother said again, looking

up at her in puzzlement, still blinking stupidly, struggling to

penetrate the alcohol haze that softened the outlines of her


“Jerry got sick, Mama. Something he ate at the prom.” “It was a

dance, wasn’t it?”

“Sure. But they had food. Hors d’oeuvres, cookies, cakes, punch, all

kinds of stuff. Something he ate didn’t agree with him.” “Who?”

“Jerry,” Amy said patiently.

Her mother frowned. “You’re sure that’s all that happened?” “What do

you mean?”

“Seems . . . funny to me,” Ellen said thickly, reaching for her

unfinished drink. “Suspicious.” “What could possibly be suspicious

about Jerry getting sick?” Amy asked.

Ellen sipped the vodka and orange juice. She studied Amy over the rim

of the glass, and her stare was sharper than it had been a minute


Exasperated, Amy spoke before her mother had a chance to make any


“Mama, I didn’t come home late. I came home early. I don’t think I

deserve to be subjected to the usual third degree.” “Don’t you get

smart with me,” her mother said.

Amy looked down at the floor, shifted nervously from one foot to the


“Don’t you remember what Our Lord said?” Ellen asked. a Honor thy

father and thy mother.” That’s what He said. After all these years of

church services and Bible readings, hasn’t anything sunk into your


Amy didn’t respond. From experience she knew that respectful silence

was the best way to deal with her mother at times like this.

Ellen finished her drink and got up. Her chair barked against the tile

floor as she scooted it backwards. She came around the table, weaving

slightly, and stopped in front of Amy. Her breath was sour. “I’ve

tried hard, so very hard, to make a good girl out of you. I’ve made

you go to church. I’ve forced you to read the Bible and pray every

day. I’ve preached at you until I’m blue in the face. I’ve taught you

all the right ways. I’ve done my best to keep you from going wrong.

I’ve always been aware that you could go either way. Either way. Good

or bad.” She swayed, put a hand on Amy’s shoulder to steady herself.

“I’ve seen the potential in you, girl. I’ve seen that you have the

potential for evil. I pray my heart out to Our Lady every day to look

over you and guard you.

There’s a darkness deep inside you, and it must never be allowed to

come to the surface.”

Ellen leaned very close, put a hand under Amy’s chin, lifted the girl’s

head, and met her eyes.

Amy felt as if ice-cold snakes were uncoiling inside her.

Ellen stared at her with a peculiar, drunken intensity, with the

burning gaze of a fever victim. She seemed to be looking into her

daughter’s soul, and there was a mixture of fear and anger and

hard-edged determination in her expression.

aYes,” Ellen said, whispering now. “There’s a darkness in you.

You could slip so easily. It’s in you. The weakness. The


Something bad is in you, and you have to fight it every minute. You

have to be careful, always careful.” “Please, Mama. . .

“Did you let that boy touch you tonight?” “No, Mama.”

“Unless you’re married, it’s a dirty, filthy thing. If you slip, the

Devil will have you. The thing inside you will come to the surface for

everyone to see. And no one must ever see it. No one must know what

you’ve got inside you.

You’ve got to wrestle with that evil, keep it caged.” “Yes, Mama.”

aLettin the boy touch you–that’s an awful “Don’t lie to me.” aWe went

to the prom,” Amy said shakily, “and he got sick, and he brought me

home. That’s all, Mama.” “Did he touch your breasts?” “No,” Amy

said, unsettled, embarrassed.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean