The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

His nightmares were full of fire and screams and the scarred, twisted

face-of his father.

When Ellen became pregnant, Conrad had been certain that, at last, God

was giving him a chance to redeem himself. By raising a family, by

giving his own children a wonderful life filled with love ! and

happiness, perhaps he would be able to atone for the death of his

mother, his sisters, and his brothers. Month by month, as Ellen became

heavier with child, Conrad became increasingly sure that the baby was

the beginning of his salvation.

. Then Victor was born. Initially, for just a few hours, Conrad

thought that God was heaping more punishment on him. Rather than give

him a chance to atone for his sins, God seemed to be rubbing his face

in them, telling him in no uncertain terms that he would never know

grace and spiritual comfort.

After the first bitter shock had passed, Conrad began to see his mutant

son in a different light. Victor hadn’t come from Heaven. He had come

from Hell. The baby was not a punishment from God, it was a great

blessing from Satan. God had turned His back on Conrad Straker, but

Satan had sent him a baby as a gesture of welcome.

That might have seemed like tortuous reasoning to a normal man, but to

Conrad, desperate to find release from his guilt and shame, it made

perfect sense. If the gates of Heaven were forever closed to him, he

might as well face the gates of Hell with eagerness and accept his

destiny without remorse. He longed to belong somewhere, anywhere, even

in Hell. If the god of light and beauty would not give him absolution,

then he would obtain it from the god of darkness and evil.

He read dozens of books about satanic religions, and he quickly

discovered that Hell was not the place of brimstone and suffering that

Christians said it was.

Hell was a place, said the satanists, where sinners were rewarded for

their sins, it was, in every respect, the place of their dreams. Best

of all, in Hell there was no such thing as guilt. In Hell there was no


As soon as he accepted Satan as his savior, Conrad knew that he had

made the right decision. The nightly dreams of fire and pain did not

stop, however, he found a greater measure of peace and more contentment

in his daily life than he had known since before that fateful Christmas

Eve, and for the first time in memory, his life had meaning. He was on

earth to do the devil’s work, and if the devil could offer him

self-respect, he was prepared to labor long and hard for the cause of

the Antichrist.

When Ellen killed Victor, Conrad knew she was doing God’s work, and he

was furious. He almost killed her. But he realized that he might be

imprisoned or executed for murdering her, and that would keep him from

fulfilling the role that Satan had written for him. It occurred to him

that if he got married again, Satan might send him another sign,

another demonic child who would grow up to be the scourge of the


Conrad married Zena, and in time Zena bore him Gunther. She was the

devil’s Mary, but she didn’t realize it. Conrad never told her the


Conrad saw himself as Joseph to the Antichrist, father and protector.

Zena thought the child was just a freak, and although she didn’t feel

comfortable with it, she accepted it with the equanimity with which

carnies always accepted freaks.

But Gunther wasn’t merely a freak.

He was more than that. Much more.

He was holy.

He was the coming. The dark coming.

As the taxicab sped toward the fairgrounds, Conrad looked out at the

quiet, suburban houses and wondered if even one person out there

realized they were living in the last days of God’s world. He wondered

if even one of them sensed that Satan’s child was on earth and had

recently reached his brutal maturity.

Gunther was just beginning his reign of terror. A thousand years of

darkness would descend.

Oh, yes, Gunther was much more than just a freak.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean