The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

pull the trigger anyway. What we’ve got to do is find another way


“There isn’t a way out,” Liz said. “The exit door will be just like

this one.

You won’t be able to open it or chop it down. We’re trapped.” “There’s

probably an emergency exit,” Amy said.

“That’s right!n Buzz said. “There has to be an emergency door

somewhere. And maybe a service entrance, too.” aWe’ll arm ourselves as

best we can,” Amy said, “and then we’ll go looking for a way out.” “You

want to go deeper into this place?” Liz asked incredulously.

“Are you out of your fuckin’ minds? It’ll get us if we go in there.” I

“It’s just as likely to get us if we stand here by the doors,” Amy


“Right,” Buzz said. “Let’s get moving.” “No, no, no!” Liz said,

shaking her head violently.

The flame flickered.


Amy struck another match.

The renewed light revealed Liz crouching very i = low against the

sealed doors, looking up at the ceiling, shivering like a cornered


Amy took the girl by the arm and pulled her to her feet. “Listen,

kid,” Amy said gently, “Buzz and I aren’t going to just stand here

until that thing comes back for us. So you have to go with us now. If

you stay here alone, you’re finished for sure. Do you want to stay

here all by yourself in the dark?”

Liz put her hands to her eyes, wiped away the tears, droplets still

glistened in her lashes, and her face was wet. “All right,” she said

unhappily, “I’ll go. But I’m sure as hell not going to go first.”

“I’ll lead the way,” Buzz assured her.

“I won’t go last, either,” Liz said. , “I’ll bring up the rear,” Amy

said. “You’ll be safe in the middle, Liz. Now let’s gO.

They fell into line and took only three cautious ‘5.

steps before Liz stopped and said, aMy God, how did she know?” “How did

who know what?” Amy asked impatiently.

“How did that fortune-teller know something like this was going to


They stood in baffled silence for a moment, and the match went out, and

Amy fumbled for a long time with the next one before she finally got it

burning, suddenly her hands were shaking. Liz’s unanswerable question

about the fortune-teller had sparked a strange feeling in Amy–a tingle

along her spine, not a shiver of fear, but an unnerving quiver of deja

vu. She felt that she had been in this situation before–trapped in a

dark place with exactly this same horrible freak. For a few seconds

that feeling was so shatteringly powerful, so overwhelming, that she

felt as if she might faint, but then it passed.

“Did Madame Zena really see into the future?” Liz asked. “That isn’t

possible, is it? That’s too damned weird. What the hell is going on

here?” Y don’t know,” Amy said. aBut we don’t have time to worry about

that now.

First things first. We’ve got to find that emergency exit and get out

of here.” Outside, the clown laughed.

Amy, Liz, and Buzz moved deeper into the funhouse.

For a minute after Joey asked for a rain check on the guided tour,

Conrad stood behind the boy, staring at the double exit doors,

pretending to wait for the sister and her friends to come out of the


“What’s taking them so long?” Joey asked.

“Oh, it’s the longest ride on the midway,” Conrad said quickly.

He pointed to a poster that proclaimed precisely that virtue of the


“I saw that,” Joey said. aBut it can’t be this lOng.” “Twelve full

minutes.” “They’ve been in there longer than that.” Conrad looked at

his watch and frowned.

“And why haven’t any other cars come out?” Joey asked. “Weren’t there

cars ahead of them?” Conrad stepped up to the gondola channel by the

exit ramp and looked down at the tracks. Faking surprise, he said,

“The center drive chain isn’t moving.” “What’s that mean?” Joey asked,

stepping up beside him.

“It means the damned machinery has broken down again,” Conrad said.

“It happens every once in a while. Your sister and her friends are

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Categories: Koontz, Dean