The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

pretending to threaten them. He was an impressive figure, better than

six and a half feet tall, more than two hundred and fifty pounds of

bone and muscle. His shoulders were enormous. He was dressed all in

black, and his entire head was covered by a Hollywood-quality,

Frankenstein monster mask that disappeared under his collar. He was

also wearing monster gloves–big, green rubber hands streaked with fake

blood–that extended beneath the cuffs of his jacket.

Suddenly Gunther noticed Conrad looking up at him, and he turned,

favoring him with an especially fierce growl.

Straker grinned. He made a circle with the thumb and forefinger of his

right hand, giving Gunther a sign of approval.

Gunther capered around the platform in a clumsy monster dance of


The people waiting to board the gondolas laughed and applauded the

monster’s performance.

With a fine sense of theater, Gunther abruptly turned vicious once more

and roared at his audience. A couple of girls screamed.

Gunther bellowed and shook his head and snarled and stamped his foot

and hissed and waved his arms. He enjoyed his work.

Smiling, Straker turned away from the funhouse and walked into the

river of people that flowed along the midway. But as he drew nearer to

Zena’s tent, his smile faded. He thought of the dark-haired, dark-eyed

girl he’d seen from the barker’s platform a short while ago. Maybe

this was the one.

Maybe this was Ellen’s child. After all these years, the thought of

what she’d done to his little boy still filled him with a fiery rage,

and the possibility of revenge still made his heart beat faster, still

caused his blood to race with excitement. Long before he reached

Zena’s tent, his smile had metamorphosed into a scowl.

Dressed in red and black and gold, wearing a spangled scarf and a lot

of rings and too much mascara, Zena sat alone in the dimly lighted

tent, waiting for Conrad. Four candles burned steadily inside four

separate glass chimneys, casting an orange glow that did not reach into

the corners. The only other light was from the illuminated crystal

ball that stood in the center of the table.

Music, excited voices, the spiels of pitchmen, and the clatter of the

thrill rides filtered through the canvas walls from the midway.

To the left of the table, a raven stood in a large cage, head cocked,

one shiny black eye focused on the crystal ball.

Zena, who called herself Madame Zena and pretended to be a Gypsy with

psychic powers, had not a drop of Romany blood in her and actually

couldn’t see anything in the future other than the fact that tomorrow

the sun would rise and subsequently set. She was of Polish


Her full name was Zena Anna Penetsky.

She had been a carny for twenty-eight years, since she was just

fifteen, and she had never longed for another life. She liked the

travel, the freedom, and the carnival people.

Once in a while, however, she grew weary of telling fortunes, and she

was disturbed by the endless gullibility of the marks. She knew a

thousand ways to con a mark, a thousand ways to convince him (after he

had already paid for a palm reading) to shell out a few more dollars

for a purportedly more complete look into his future. The ease with

which she manipulated people embarrassed her. She told herself that

what she did was all right because they were only marks, not carnies,

and therefore not real people. That was the traditional carny

attitude, but Zena could not be that hard all the time. Now and then

she was troubled by guilt.

Occasionally she considered giving up fortunetelling. She could take a

partner, someone who had done the palm-reading scam before. It meant

sharing the profits, but that didn’t worry Zena. She also owned a

bottle-pitch joint and a very profitable grab joint, and after overhead

she netted more each year than any half-dozen marks earned at their

boring jobs in the straight world.

But she continued to play Gypsy fortune-teller because she had to do

somethirlg, she wasn’t the kind of person who could just sit back and

take it easy.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean