The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz


That’s all.” “You can’t make me marry you.” “Maybe not,” she

admitted. aBut I can cause you a lot of trouble, and maybe I can force

you to contribute to the support of the baby.” “You can’t force me to

do anything if I’m in another state. You can’t make me pay up from

California.” “Well see about that,” she said, although she thought he

was probably right.

“Anyway, you can’t prove I’m the father.”

Who else?” “How should I know?” “You’re the only one I’ve been doing

it with.”

“I sure wasn’t the first,” he said.

“You bastard.” “Eddie Talbot was the first.” “I haven’t done anything

with anyone else since I started going with you six months ago.” “How

do I know that’s true?” “You know,” Amy said, loathing him. She

wanted to kick him and hit him and scratch his face until it was a

bloody mess, but she restrained herself, hoping she might yet gain some

concession from him. “It is your baby, Jerry. There’s no doubt about

that.” “I never came inside you,” he argued.

“A couple of times you did. Once is all it takes.”

Yf you tried to nail me in court or something like that, I’d get five

or six friends to swear they’d been in your pants during the past

couple of months.” aIn my whole life there’s never been anyone but

Eddie and then you!” aIn court it’d be your word against theirs.”

“They’d be committing perjury.”

“I’ve got good buddies who’d do anything to protect me.” “Even destroy

my reputation?” “What reputation?” he asked, sneering.

Amy felt sick.

It was hopeless. There was no way she could force him to do the right


She was alone.

“Take me home,” she said.

“Gladly,” he said.

The drive back to town took half an hour. During that time neither of

them said a word.

The Harper house was on Maple Lane, a solidly middle-class neighborhood

of wellmanicured lawns and shrubs, fresh paint, and two-car garages.

The Harpers lived in a two-story, neo-colonial house, white with green

shutters flanking the windows. Lights were on downstairs, in the

living room.

As Jerry pulled the Chevy to the curb and braked in front of the house,

Amy said, aWe’ll probably be passing each other in the halls during

final exam week. And we’ll see each other at graduation two weeks from

now. But I guess this is the last time we’ll be talking.” aBet on

it,” he said coldly.

“sO I wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity to tell you what a rotten

son of a bitch you are,” she said as evenly as she could.

He stared at her but said nothing.

“You’re an immature little boy, Jerry. You’re not a man, and you’ll

probably never be a man.”

He didn’t respond. They were parked beneath a street light, and she

could see his face clearly, he was impassive.

She was angered by his refusal to react to her. She wanted to leave

with the knowledge that she had hurt him as badly as he had hurt her

with his comment about her reputation. But she was not very good at


She didn’t have a talent for quarreling. Ordinarily she preferred to

live and let live, but in this case the injustice she had suffered at

Jerry’s hands was so great that she felt an uncharacteristic urge to

retaliate. She steeled herself to make one last attempt to sting


“One other thing I want to tell you as sort of a favor to your next

girlfriend,” Amy said. “There’s another way you’re like a little boy,


You make love like a little boy. You’re immature in that department,

too. I kept hoping you’d get better at it, but you never did. You

know how many times you managed to make me come? Three times. Out of

all those nights we made love, I climaxed only three times.

You’re clumsy, rough, and quick on the trigger. A regular minuteman.

Do your next girlfriend a favor and at least read a couple of books

about sex. Eddie Talbot wasn’t all that great, but compared to him

you’re really a lousy fuck.”

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Categories: Koontz, Dean