The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

teenagers came out and stopped in the pool of flashing red and yellow

light that was cast by the nearby Tilt-a-Whirl. He heard the blond

girl say that she wanted to use the restroom, get an ice cream, and

then take a tour of the funhouse.

As soon as the group split up and moved away, Conrad slipped into

Zena’s tent.

As .

he went inside, he pulled down a canvas flap that covered the entire

entrance, on the outside of it, there were six wordsLOSED/WILL RETURN


Zena was sitting in her chair. Even in the flickering light of the

candles, Conrad could see that she was ashen.

“Well?” he said.

“Another dead end,” Zena said nervously.

“This one looks more like Ellen than most of the others that I’ve sent

to you.” “Just coincidence,” Zena said. 1- “What’s her name?” “Amy


Those four syllables electrified Conrad. He remembered the small boy

to whom he had given two free passes just this afternoon. That child’s

name had been Joey Harper, and he had said that his sister’s name was

Amy. He, too, had resembled Ellen.

What did you learn about her?” he asked Zena.

“Not much.” “Tell me.” “She’s not the one.”

“Tell me anyway. Brothers? Sisters?”

Zena hesitated, then said, “One brother.” tWhat’s his name?” “What

does it matter? She isn’t the one you’re looking for.” “Just curious,”

Conrad said evenly, sensing that she was hiding the truth from him, but

afraid to believe that he had found his prey after all this time.

“What’s her brother’s name?” “Joey.” “What’s her mother’s name.”

“Nancy,” Zena said.

Conrad knew she was lying. He stared down at her and said, “Are you

sure it isn’t Leon”?”

Zena blinked. “What? Why Leon”?”

“Because this afternoon, when I happened to have a friendly little chat

with Joey Harper while he was watching us erect the funhouse, he told

me that his mother’s name was Leon”.” Zena gaped at him, amazed and


Conrad walked around the table and put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him.

He said, “You know what I think? I think the boy lied to me. I think

he sensed danger somehow, and he lied about his mother’s name and


And now you’re lying to me.” “Conrad . . . let them gO.” Her words

were an admission that he had found Ellen’s children, and a shattering,

explosive elation tore through him.

“I saw something in the crystal ball,” she said in a voice that

contained fear and awe. “It’s not even crystal. It’s just a cheap

piece of crap.

There’s nothing magical about it. Yet . . . tonight . . . when those

girls were here .

. . I saw images in the ball. It was awful, horrible. I saw the blond

screaming, her hands thrown up in front of her face as if she were

trying to ward off something hideous that was reaching for her. And I

saw the other one . . . Amy . . . in torn clothes, all covered with

blood.” She shuddered violently. “And I think . . . the boys, too .

. . in the background of the vision . . . the boys who were with those

girls . . . all bloody.” “It’s a sign,” Conrad said. Y told you,

I’ve been sent signs.

This is another one. It tells me not to wait. It tells me to get Amy

tonight, even if I have to take care of the others as well.” Zena shook

her head. “No. No, Conrad, I can’t let you do that.

You can’t have your revenge. It’s sick. You can’t just go out there

and kill those four kids.” I “Oh, I probably won’t kill any of them

with my own hands,” he said.

“What do you mean?” “Gunther will take care of them.” “Gunther? He

wouldn’t hurt anyone.” “Our son has changed,” Conrad said. “I’m the

only one who knows how much he’s changed. He’s come of age at last.

He needs women now, and he . takes what he needs. He doesn’t just

screw them, either. He leaves quite a mess behind. I’ve been covering

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Categories: Koontz, Dean