The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

It’s such a beautiful morning,” Amy said. “I think I’ll walk to school

today.” “Are you sure you have enough time?” “Oh, yes. Plenty of

time.” “Me too,” Joey said. “I want to walk with Amy.” “The

elementary school is three times as far as the high school,” Paul

Harper said. “Your legs would be worn down to your knees by the time

you got there.” aNah,” Joey said. “I can make it. I’m rough and

ready.” “One mean hombre,” his father agreed. aBut just the same,

you’ll ride with me.” “Aw, shoot!” Joey said.

“Bang,” Amy said, pointing a finger at him.

Joey grinned.

“Come on, hombre,” his father said. “Let’s get moving.”

Amy stood at one of the living room windows, watching the man and the

boy drive away in the family’s Pontiac.

She had lied to her father. She wasn’t going to walk to school.

In fact she didn’t even intend to go to school at all today.

She returned to the kitchen, made a pot of coffee, poured a steaming

mug of it for herself. Then she sat down at the kitchen table to wait

for her mother to get back from Mass.

Last night, tossing restlessly in bed, plotting how best to make her

confession, she had decided that she should tell her mother first. If

Amy sat them down and told them both at the same time, Mama’s reaction

to the news would be calculated to impress not only her daughter but

her husband, she would be even tougher on Amy than she might be if Amy

told her in private. And Amy also knew that if she told her father

first, it would look as if she were sneaking around behind her mother’s

back, trying to drive a wedge between her parents, trying to make an

ally of her father. If Mama thought that was the case, she would be

twice as difficult as she otherwise might have been. By telling Mama

first, by according her at least that much special respect, Amy hoped

to improve her chances of getting the abortion she wanted.

She finished the mug of coffee. She poured herself another, finished

that one, too.

The ticking of the kitchen clock seemed to grow louder and louder,

until it was a drumbeat to which her nerves jumped in sympathy.

When Mama finally came home from Mass, entering the kitchen through the

connecting door to the garage, Amy had never been more tense. The back

and underarms of her blouse were damp with perspiration. In spite of

the hot coffee, there seemed to be a lump of ice in her stomach.

“Morning, Mama.”

Her mother stopped in surprise, still holding the door open, the

shadowy interior of the garage I visible behind her. “What are you

doing here?” “I want to–” “You should be in school.”

I stayed home so I could–” Ysn’t this final exam week?” “No. That’s

next week. This week we just review material for the tests.” “That’s

important, too.”

– aYes, but I don’t think I’ll be going to school today.”

As Mama closed and locked the door of the garage, she said, “What’s

wrong? Are you sick?” “Not exactly. I–” “What do you mean–not

exactly?” she asked, putting her purse on the counter by the sink.

“You’re either sick or you’re not. And if you aren’t, you should be in

school.” “I have to talk to you,” Amy said.

Her mother came to the table and stared down at her. “Talk? About


Amy couldn’t meet the woman’s eyes. She looked away, turned her gaze

to the muddy residue of cold coffee in the bottom of her mug.

“Well?” Mama asked.

Although Amy had drunk a lot of coffee, her mouth was so dry that her

tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She swallowed, licked her

parched lips, cleared her throat, and at last said, “I have to withdraw

some money from my savings account.” “What are you talking about?” “I

need . . . four hundred dollars.” “That’s ridiculous.” “No. I

really need it, Mama.”

“For what?”

“I’d rather not say.”

Her mother was astonished. “You’d rather not say?” “That’s right.”

The astonishment turned to consternation. “You want to withdraw four

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Categories: Koontz, Dean