The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

aBuzz and Richie?”

“They’re both game.”

“You mean . . . the four of us in one bed?”

E . “Sure,” Liz said, putting away her own lipstick, , snapping her

purse shut.

“It’ll be fantastic!” “Oh, Liz, I don’t know about that. I don’t–”

“Let it slide, kid.”

“I’ve got college and_n “You’ve got the pill. You won’t get knocked up

again. Don’t be so damned prim.

Go with the flow, kid. Be what you are. Stop pretending you’re Sister

Purity.” “I couldn’t–” “Of course you could,” Liz said. “You will.

You want it. You’re just like me.

Face facts and enjoy yourself.”

Amy put one hand on the sink to steady herself. It wasn’t just the

dope that made her feel woozy.

‘ She was dizzied by the prospect of just letting go, being like Liz,

forgetting about the future, living just for the moment, incapable of

guilt or remorse. It must be nice to live that way. It must be so

relaxing, so free.

Liz moved close to her and said, “My place. As soon as we leave the

fairgrounds. The four of us. My parents have a king-size bed. Think

of it, honey. You can have both those guys at the same time. They’re

both dying to slip the old salami to you.

It’ll be great. You’ll have a ball. I know you will because I’ll have

a ball, and you’re just like me.” Liz’s melodic, rhythmic voice was

draining all the energy and all the will out of Amy. Amy leaned

against the sink and closed her eyes and felt that warm, seductive

voice pulling her down, down into a place she wasn’t sure she wanted to


Then Amy felt a hand on her breast. She opened her eyes with a


Liz was touching her intimately, smiling.

Amy wanted to push the other girl’s lewd hand away, but she couldn’t

find sufficient strength to present Liz with even that small token of


“I’ve always wondered what it would be like, you and me, just us two

girls,” Liz said.

“You’re wasted,” Amy said. “You’re so high you don’t know what you’re

saying.” “I know exactly what I’m saying, kid. I’ve always wondered


. .

and tonight I can find out. We can make some real memories, kid.” She

leaned close, kissed Amy lightly on the mouth, tongue flicking like the

quick tongue of a snake, and then she left the restroom, twitching her

bottom as she went.

Amy felt dirty, but she also experienced a tremor of pleasure that

oscillated through every inch of her.

She looked in the mirror again, squinting because the bright

fluorescent lights stung her bleary eyes. Her face looked soft, as if

it were melting off her bones. Searching once more for that wickedness

that others could see in her, she stared into her own eyes. All of

Amy’s life, her mother had told her that she was filled with a terrible

evil that must be repressed at all costs.

After years and years of listening to that hateful line, Amy didn’t

like herself very much. Her self-respect had been whittled down to a

fragile stick, Mama had wielded the whittling knife. Now Amy thought

she finally could see a hint of the evil that Mama and Liz saw in her,

it was a peculiar shadow, a writhing darkness deep in her eyes.

No! she thought desperately, frightened by the speed with which her

resolution was dissolving. I’m not that kind of person. I have plans,

ambitions, dreams.

I want to paint beautiful pictures and bring happiness to people.

But she could vividly recall the thrill that had snapped through her

like an electric current when Liz’s tongue had licked her lips.

She thought of being in bed with Richie and Buzz, both of them using

her at the same time, and suddenly it wasn’t impossible for her to

picture herself in that situation.

Standing there in the harshly lighted comfort station, acutely

uncomfortable in the stink of mildew and urine and rotting hope, Amy

felt as if she were waiting in the anteroom of Hell.

At last she walked to the door and opened it.

Liz was waiting outside, in the night. She smiled at Amy and held out

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Categories: Koontz, Dean