The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

said urgently. “You’ve got to go. Get away from the carnival. Go

home and lock your doors and stay there until the carnival leaves


Liz and Amy stood up, and Liz said, “What’s all the malarkey? We were

supposed to get our fortunes told for free. You haven’t told us how

we’re going to be rich and famous.”

From the other side of the table, Madame Zena stared at them with wide,

frightened eyes. “Listen to me. I’m a fake. A phony. I don’t have

any psychic ability. I just con the marks. I’ve never seen into the


I’ve never seen anything in that crystal ball except the light from the

flashlight bulb in the wooden base. But tonight . . . just a minute

ago . . . my God, I did see something. I don’t understand it. I

don’t want to understand it. My God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, who would

want to be able to see the future?

That would be a curse, not a gift. But I saw. You’ve got to leave the

carnival now, right away. Don’t stop for anything. Don’t look back.”

They stared at her, amazed by her outburst.

Madame Zena swayed, and her legs seemed to turn to mush, and she

collapsed into her chair again. “Go, damn you! Get the hell out of

here before it’s too late! Go, you goddamned fools! Hurry!”

Out on the midway, standing in a pool of flashing lights, with people

streaming past, with waves of calliope music breaking over them, they

looked at each other, waiting for someone to say something.

Richie spoke first. “What was that all about?”

“She’s nuts,” Buzz said.

“I don’t think so,” Amy said.

“A real looney-tune,” Buzz insisted.

“Hey, don’t you guys understand what happened?” Liz asked. She laughed

happily and clapped her hands with delight.

“If you’ve got an explanation, tell us,” Amy said, still chilled to the

bone by the look that had come over Madame Zena’s face when she had

peered into the crystal ball.

“It’s a scam,” Liz said. “The carnival security men spotted us smoking


They don’t want that kind of trouble on their lot, but they also don’t

want to call the cops. Carnies don’t truck with the cops. So they

arranged for the albino to give us free tickets to Zena’s, so she could

try to scare us off.” “Yeah!n Buzz said. “I’ll be damned. That’s it,

all right.” “I don’t know,” Richie said. “It doesn’t make a lot of

sense. I mean, why wouldn’t they just have their goons throw us out?”

“Because there’s too many of us, dummy,” Liz said. “They’d need at

least three bouncers. They wouldn’t want to make a big scene like

that.” “Could she have been sincere?” Amy asked.

I “Madame Zena?” Liz said. “You mean to tell me you believe she really

saw something in her crystal ball? Horseshit!n -.t,’ They talked about

it some more, and gradually ‘ t’ they came to accept Liz’s theory. It

seemed to make more sense by the minute.

But Amy wondered if it would make any sense L at all if they weren’t

half wasted on dope. She thought of Marco the Magnificent, Liz’s face

on the woman in the coffin, Buzz cutting his finger on the jar that

contained the monster. It was too much to think about, too scary.

Even if Liz’s explanation was thin, it was at least conveniently

simple, and Amy gladly accepted it.

“I have to pee,” Liz said. “Then I want some ice cream and a ride

through the funhouse. After that we can split for home.” She tickled

Richie under the chin. “When we get home, I’ll take you on a thrill

ride better than anything they have here.” She turned to Amy. “Come

to the restroom with me.”

“I don’t really have to,” Amy said.

Liz took her hand. “Come on. Keep me company. Anyway, we have to

talk, kid.” “Meet you at the ice-cream stand over there,” Richie said,

pointing to a joint beyond the carousel.

“Back in a jiffy,” Liz assured him. Then she pulled Amy through the

crowd, toward the edge of the midway.

Conrad was standing in the shadows beside Zena’s tent when the four

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Categories: Koontz, Dean