The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz


The freak began to sniff at her as a hound might sniff at a new


His wide nostrils flared and quivered as he snorted with increasing


“Smell good,” the freak said.

Liz was startled to discover that he could speak.

“Smell woman,” he said.

A spark of hope flickered in Liz.

“Pretty,” the freak said. “Want pretty.”

My God, Liz thought, almost giddy now. Is this what it comes down


Sex? Is that the way out for me? Why not? Hell, yes! That’s what

it’s always come down to before. That’s always been my way out.

The freak shuffled closer, raised one of its huge, rodent claws.

It gently stroked her face.

She tried to conceal her revulsion. “You . . . you like me, don’t


she asked.

“Pretty,” he said, grinning, showing his crooked, sharp, yellow


“You want me?”

“Real bad,” he said.

“Maybe I could be nice to you,” she said quaveringly, trying hard to

slip back into the role of the sexpot, the teaser, the fun girl, the

party image she had sanded and buffed and polished until it was smooth,

comfortable, and splinter-free.

The thing’s wickedly taloned hand slid down from her face to her


“Just don’t hurt me, and maybe we can work something out,” she said


The thing licked its black lips, its tongue was pale and speckled,

utterly alien. It hooked one claw in her T-shirt and shredded the thin

fabric. One razorlike nail made a long, shallow cut across her right


“Wait,” she said, wincing. “Now wait a second.” Panic rose in her


The freak pushed her against the purring machine.

Liz squirmed, tried to shove the creature away. It seemed to be made

of iron.

She was powerless against it.

The thing appeared to be far more excited by the thread of blood that

decorated her bare breast than it was by her nakedness. It tore off

her shorts.

Liz screamed.

The freak slapped her, almost rendering her unconscious with that

single blow, and then bore her down onto the floor.

A minute later, as Liz felt the creature spreading her legs and

entering her, she also felt its claws piercing her sides. As a cold,

maroon darkness swept over her, she knew that sex was indeed the

answer, as always, but this time it was the final answer.

Amy thought she heard Liz scream. It was a distant sound, a short,

sharp cry of terror and pain. Then nothing but the usual funhouse


For a moment Amy continued to listen, but when she couldn’t hear

anything except the eerie music and the laughing clown, she turned to

Joey again. He was standing to the left of the barker’s corpse, trying

not to look at it. Amy had untied the boy. Although tears were

streaming down his face, and although his lower lip was quivering, he

was trying to be brave for her.

She knew that her opinion mattered more to him than did that of anyone

else, and she saw that even now, even under these circumstances, he

was concerned that she think well of him. He wasn’t sobbing. He

wasn’t panicked. He wasn’t going to break down entirely. He even made

an effort to be nonchalant, he spat on his ropeburned wrists and gently

smeared the saliva over the angry red marks, soothing the chafed


“Joey?” He looked up at her.

“Come on, honey. We’re going to get out of here.” “Okay,” he said, his

voice cracking between the syllables. “How?

Where’s the door?” “I don’t know,” Amy said. aBut we’ll find it.” The

feeling of being watched over and protected was still with Amy, and it

buoyed her.

Joey took hold of her left hand.

Holding the barker’s pistol in her right hand, Amy led the boy through

the shadowy funhouse, past mechanical monsters from Mars and wax

zombies and wooden lions and rubber sea beasts. Eventually she saw a

shaft of light coming up from the floor, back in the darkness to the

left of the track, where the glow from the work lights didn’t reach.

Hoping the light represented a way out, she led Joey behind a pile of

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Categories: Koontz, Dean