The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

Amy winced at the other girl’s choice of words.

“All you have to do, ” Liz said, “is grit your teeth and sit through

all the shouting, and then they pay for the abortion.”

“No. You’re forgetting that my family is Catholic. They think

abortion is a sin.” “They might think it’s a sin, but they won’t force

a young girl like you to ruin her whole life. Catholics get abortions

all the time, no matter what they say.” “I’m sure you’re right,” Amy

said. “But my mother is too devout.

She won’t ever agree to it.”

“You really think she’d be willing to live with the shame of an

illegitimate grandchild right there in her own house?”

“To hurt me . . . and mainly to teach me a lesson . . . yes.”

“You’re sure?” “Positive.”

They sat in glum silence for a while.

On the jukebox, Donna Summer was singing about the price she had to pay

for love.

Suddenly Liz snapped her fingers. “I’ve got it!” “What?”

“Even Catholics approve of abortion if the mother’s life is in danger,

don’t they?” “Not all Catholics. Just the most liberal ones approve

of it even under those circumstances.”

“And your old lady isn’t liberal.” “Hardly.” aBut your father’s

better, isn’t he? At least about the religious stuff” “He’s not so

fanatical as Mama. He might agree to let me have an abortion if he

truly thought the baby would destroy my health.” “All right. So you

make him think it’s destroying your mental health.

Dig it?

You get suicidal. You threaten to kill yourself if you can’t have an


Act like you’re half crazy. Be hysterical. Be irrational. Scream,

cry, then laugh without having any reason to laugh, then cry again,

break things . . .

If all of that doesn’t convince them, then you can make a phony attempt

to slash your wrists, just a big enough cut to smear some blood


They won’t be sure whether you botched it on purpose or by accident,

and they won’t want to take any chances.”

Amy slowly shook her head. “It wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?” “I’m not a good actress.”

Y’ll bet you’d fool them.”

“Carrying on like that, pretending . . . Well, I’d feel stupid.”

“Would you rather feel pregnant?” “There must be another way.” aLike


“I don’t know.” “Face it, kid. This is your best shot.” “I don’t


Y do know.”

Amy sipped her Coke. After a couple of minutes of thought, she said,

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’ll try the suicide bit.” “It’ll work.

Just as smooth as glass. You’ll see. When will you tell them?”

“Well, I had been thinking about breaking the news right after

graduation if I couldn’t find another way out by then.” “That’s two

weeks! Listen, kid, the sooner the better.”

“Two weeks won’t hurt anything. Maybe in that time I’ll find some way

to come up with the money myself.” “You won’t.” “Maybe.”

“You won’t,” Liz said sharply. “Anyway, you’re only seventeen.

You probably couldn’t get an abortion without your parents’ consent,

not even if you had the money to pay for it. I’ll bet you have to be

at least eighteen before they let you have one on your own say-so.”

Amy hadn’t considered that possibility. She simply didn’t think of

herself as a minor, she felt a hundred and ten years old.

“Get your head on straight, kid,” Liz said. “You wouldn’t take my

advice about the pill. Now get your shit together this time, will


Please, please, for Christ’s sake, listen to me. The sooner the


Amy realized that Liz was right. She leaned back in the booth, away

from the table, and a wave of resignation swept through her. She

sagged as if she were a marionette whose strings had been cut.


The sooner the better. I’ll tell them tonight or tomorrow.”

“Tonight.” “I don’t think I have the strength for it tonight. If I’m

going to put on a big suicide act, I’ll need to have my wits about


I’ll have to be rested.” “Tomorrow, then,” Liz said. “No later than

tomorrow. Get it over with. Listen, we have a great summer coming

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Categories: Koontz, Dean