The Fun House. By: Dean R. Koontz

the verge of tickling him, he was going to yell in her face and scare

the dickens out of her.

He kept his eyes closed, breathed shallowly and evenly, and counted off

the seconds: One . . . two . . . three . . .

He was just about to shout in her face when he realized that the person

bending over him wasn’t Amy. He smelled sour, alcohol-tainted breath,

and his heart began to pound.

Unaware that Joey was awake, his mother said, “Sweet, sweet, little


ittle baby-boy angel. Sweet, precious little angel face.” Her voice

was eerie. She spoke in an odd, half-whispered, halfcrooned, throaty,

silky stream of slurred words.

He wished desperately that she would go away.

She was very drunk, worse than usual. She had come into his room

several other nights when she’d been in this condition. She had talked

to him, thinking he was asleep. Maybe she came in a lot more nights

than he knew, maybe some nights he was asleep. Anyway, he knew what

was coming. He knew what she was going to say and do, and he dreaded


“Little angel. You look like a little snoozing angel, a baby angel,

lying there so innocent, so tender, sweet.” She leaned even closer,

bathing his face with her pungent breath. “But what’re you like

inside, little angel? Are you sweet and good and pure all the way


Stop it, stop it, stop it! Joey thought. Please, don’t do this again,

Mama. Go away. Get out of here. Please.

But he didn’t speak to her, and he didn’t move. He didn’t let her know

he was awake because when she was like this he was afraid of her.

“You look so pure,” she said, her alcoholthickened voice growing even

softer, even more blurry. aBut maybe that angel face is just the

surface . . . the mask. Maybe you’re just putting on an act for me.

Huh? Are you?


underneath . . . maybe you’re just like the other one. Are you,

little angel?

Under that sweet face, are you like the other one, the monster, the

thing he called Victor?”

Joey never had been able to figure out what she was talking about when

she sneaked in here at night and mumbled drunkenly at him. Who was


“If I produced one like you, why not another?” she asked herself

aloud, and Joey thought she sounded a little bit afraid now. “This


maybe it’s a monster inside. In the mind. A monster inside . . .

hiding in a normal body .

. . behind such a nice face . . . waiting. Waiting to come out when

no one’s looking. Just waiting patiently. Both you and Amy. Huh?

Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Could be. Sure. Could be that way. What

if it is? Huh?

When will it happen? When will the thing come out of you for everyone

to see?

Can I turn my back on you, little angel? Can I ever be safe? Oh,


Oh, Jesus, Jesus, help me. Mary, help me. I should never have had

children. Not after the first one.

I can never be sure of what I’ve created. Never. What if . . .”

Increasingly numbed by the liquor she had drunk, her tongue and lips

became less and less able to form the words she wanted to say, and she

lowered her voice so far that Joey could barely hear her, even though

she was less than a foot from him. “What if . . . someday . . . what

if I have to kill you, little angel?” Softer, softer, word by terrible

word, softer. “What if .

. . I have .

. . to kill . . . you . . . like I had to kill . . . the other one


. . ?”

She began to weep quietly.

Joey was suddenly chilled to the bone, and he was worried that his

shivering would disturb the sheets and draw her attention. He was

afraid she would discover that he had heard every word.

Eventually her stifled weeping subsided.

Joey was sure she could hear his pounding heart.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean