Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

had reached.

As for himself, he dismounted and remained under a beautiful

group of chestnuts in flower, amidst which were murmuring a

multitude of happy bees, and bade Olivain send the host to

him with writing paper and ink, to be placed on a table

which he found there, conveniently ready. Olivain obeyed and

continued on his way, whilst Raoul remained sitting, with

his elbow leaning on the table, from time to time gently

shaking the flowers from his head, which fell upon him like

snow, and gazing vaguely on the charming landscape spread

out before him, dotted over with green fields and groups of

trees. Raoul had been there about ten minutes, during five

of which he was lost in reverie, when there appeared within

the circle comprised in his rolling gaze a man with a

rubicund face, who, with a napkin around his body, another

under his arm, and a white cap upon his head, approached

him, holding paper, pen and ink in hand.

“Ha! ha!” laughed the apparition, “every gentleman seems to

have the same fancy, for not a quarter of an hour ago a

young lad, well mounted like you, as tall as you and of

about your age, halted before this clump of trees and had

this table and this chair brought here, and dined here, with

an old gentleman who seemed to be his tutor, upon a pie, of

which they haven’t left a mouthful, and two bottles of Macon

wine, of which they haven’t left a drop, but fortunately we

have still some of the same wine and some of the same pies

left, and if your worship will but give your orders —- ”

“No, friend ” replied Raoul, smiling, “I am obliged to you,

but at this moment I want nothing but the things for which I

have asked — only I shall be very glad if the ink prove

black and the pen good; upon these conditions I will pay for

the pen the price of the bottle, and for the ink the price

of the pie.”

“Very well, sir,” said the host, “I’ll give the pie and the

bottle of wine to your servant, and in this way you will

have the pen and ink into the bargain.”

“Do as you like,” said Raoul, who was beginning his

apprenticeship with that particular class of society, who,

when there were robbers on the highroads, were connected

with them, and who, since highwaymen no longer exist, have

advantageously and aptly filled their vacant place.

Page 206

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

The host, his mind at ease about his bill, placed pen, ink

and paper upon the table. By a lucky chance the pen was

tolerably good and Raoul began to write. The host remained

standing in front of him, looking with a kind of involuntary

admiration at his handsome face, combining both gravity and

sweetness of expression. Beauty has always been and always

will be all-powerful.

“He’s not a guest like the other one here just now,”

observed mine host to Olivain, who had rejoined his master

to see if he wanted anything, “and your young master has no


“My master had appetite enough three days ago, but what can

one do? he lost it the day before yesterday.”

And Olivain and the host took their way together toward the

inn, Olivain, according to the custom of serving-men well

pleased with their place, relating to the tavern-keeper all

that he could say in favor of the young gentleman; whilst

Raoul wrote on thus:

“Sir, — After a four hours’ march I stop to write to you,

for I miss you every moment, and I am always on the point of

turning my head as if to reply when you speak to me. I was

so bewildered by your departure and so overcome with grief

at our separation, that I am sure I was able to but very

feebly express all the affection and gratitude I feel toward

you. You will forgive me, sir, for your heart is of such a

generous nature that you can well understand all that has

passed in mine. I entreat you to write to me, for you form a

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre