Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

danger the queen was to send her a prayer-book bound in

green velvet.”

“That is true, monsieur, you are well informed.”

“One morning the green book was brought to her by the Prince

de Marsillac. There was no time to lose. Happily Marie and a

follower of hers named Kitty could disguise themselves

admirably in men’s clothes. The prince procured for Marie

Michon the dress of a cavalier and for Kitty that of a

lackey; he sent them two excellent horses, and the fugitives

went out hastily from Tours, shaping their course toward

Spain, trembling at the least noise, following unfrequented

roads, and asking for hospitality when they found themselves

where there was no inn.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Why, really, it was all exactly as you say!” cried Madame

de Chevreuse, clapping her hands. “It would indeed be

strange if —- ” she checked herself.

“If I should follow the two fugitives to the end of their

journey?” said Athos. “No, madame, I will not thus waste

your time. We will accompany them only to a little village

in Limousin, lying between Tulle and Angouleme — a little

village called Roche-l’Abeille.”

Madame de Chevreuse uttered a cry of surprise, and looked at

Athos with an expression of astonishment that made the old

musketeer smile.

“Wait, madame,” continued Athos, “what remains for me to

tell you is even more strange than what I have narrated.”

“Monsieur,” said Madame de Chevreuse, “I believe you are a

sorcerer; I am prepared for anything. But really — No

matter, go on.”

“The journey of that day had been long and wearing; it was a

cold day, the eleventh of October, there was no inn or

chateau in the village and the homes of the peasants were

poor and unattractive. Marie Michon was a very aristocratic

person; like her sister the queen, she had been accustomed

to pleasing perfumes and fine linen; she resolved,

therefore, to seek hospitality of the priest.”

Athos paused.

“Oh, continue!” said the duchess. “I have told you that I am

prepared for anything.”

“The two travelers knocked at the door. It was late; the

priest, who had gone to bed, cried out to them to come in.

They entered, for the door was not locked — there is much

confidence among villagers. A lamp burned in the chamber

occupied by the priest. Marie Michon, who made the most

charming cavalier in the world, pushed open the door, put

her head in and asked for hospitality. `Willingly, my young

cavalier,’ said the priest, `if you will be content with the

remains of my supper and with half my chamber.’

“The two travelers consulted for a moment. The priest heard

a burst of laughter and then the master, or rather, the

mistress, replied: `Thank you, monsieur le cure, I accept.’

`Sup, then, and make as little noise as possible,’ said the

priest, `for I, too, have been on the go all day and shall

not be sorry to sleep to-night.'”

Madame de Chevreuse evidently went from surprise to

astonishment, and from astonishment to stupefaction. Her

face, as she looked at Athos, had taken on an expression

that cannot be described. It could be seen that she had

wished to speak, but she had remained silent through fear of

losing one of her companion’s words.

“What happened then?” she asked.

“Then?” said Athos. “Ah, I have come now to what is most


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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Speak, speak! One can say anything to me. Besides, it

doesn’t concern me; it relates to Mademoiselle Marie


“Ah, that is true,” said Athos. “Well, then, Marie Michon

had supper with her follower, and then, in accordance with

the permission given her, she entered the chamber of her

host, Kitty meanwhile taking possession of an armchair in

the room first entered, where they had taken their supper.”

“Really, monsieur,” said Madame de Chevreuse, “unless you

are the devil in person I don’t know how you could become

acquainted with all these details.”

“A charming woman was that Marie Michon,” resumed Athos,

“one of those wild creatures who are constantly conceiving

the strangest ideas. Now, thinking that her host was a

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre