Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

said D’Artagnan.

Athos made no reply.

“He is not curious,” thought D’Artagnan.

Athos not only failed to reply, he even changed the subject

of conversation.

“You see,” said he, calling D’Artagnan’s attention to the

fact that they had come back to the chateau after an hour’s

walk, “we have made a tour of my domains.”

“All is charming and everything savors of nobility,” replied


At this instant they heard the sound of horses’ feet.

“‘Tis Raoul who has come back,” said Athos; “and we can now

hear how the poor child is.”

In fact, the young man appeared at the gate, covered with

dust, entered the courtyard, leaped from his horse, which he

consigned to the charge of a groom, and then went to greet

the count and D’Artagnan.

“Monsieur,” said Athos, placing his hand on D’Artagnan’s

shoulder, “monsieur is the Chevalier D’Artagnan of whom you

have often heard me speak, Raoul.”

“Monsieur,” said the young man, saluting again and more

profoundly, “monsieur le comte has pronounced your name

before me as an example whenever he wished to speak of an

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

intrepid and generous gentleman.”

That little compliment could not fail to move D’Artagnan. He

extended a hand to Raoul and said:

“My young friend, all the praises that are given me should

be passed on to the count here; for he has educated me in

everything and it is not his fault that his pupil profited

so little from his instructions. But he will make it up in

you I am sure. I like your manner, Raoul, and your

politeness has touched me.”

Athos was more delighted than can be told. He looked at

D’Artagnan with an expression of gratitude and then bestowed

on Raoul one of those strange smiles, of which children are

so proud when they receive them.

“Now,” said D’Artagnan to himself, noticing that silent play

of countenance, “I am sure of it.”

“I hope the accident has been of no consequence?”

“They don’t yet know, sir, on account of the swelling; but

the doctor is afraid some tendon has been injured.”

At this moment a little boy, half peasant, half foot-boy,

came to announce supper.

Athos led his guest into a dining-room of moderate size, the

windows of which opened on one side on a garden, on the

other on a hot-house full of magnificent flowers.

D’Artagnan glanced at the dinner service. The plate was

magnificent, old, and appertaining to the family. D’Artagnan

stopped to look at a sideboard on which was a superb ewer of


“That workmanship is divine!” he exclaimed.

“Yes, a chef d’oeuvre of the great Florentine sculptor,

Benvenuto Cellini,” replied Athos.

“What battle does it represent?”

“That of Marignan, just at the point where one of my

forefathers is offering his sword to Francis I., who has

broken his. It was on that occasion that my ancestor,

Enguerrand de la Fere, was made a knight of the Order of St.

Michael; besides which, the king, fifteen years afterward,

gave him also this ewer and a sword which you may have seen

formerly in my house, also a lovely specimen of workmanship.

Men were giants in those times,” said Athos; “now we are

pigmies in comparison. Let us sit down to supper. Call

Charles,” he added, addressing the boy who waited.

“My good Charles, I particularly recommend to your care

Planchet, the laquais of Monsieur D’Artagnan. He likes good

wine; now you have the key of the cellar. He has slept a

long time on a hard bed, so he won’t object to a soft one;

take every care of him, I beg of you.” Charles bowed and


“You think of everything,” said D’Artagnan; “and I thank you

for Planchet, my dear Athos.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

Raoul stared on hearing this name and looked at the count to

be quite sure that it was he whom the lieutenant thus


“That name sounds strange to you,” said Athos, smiling; “it

was my nom de guerre when Monsieur D’Artagnan, two other

gallant friends and myself performed some feats of arms at

the siege of La Rochelle, under the deceased cardinal and

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre