Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

animal, made up of contradictions. Since I became an abbe I

dream of nothing but battles.”

“That is apparent in your surroundings; you have rapiers

here of every form and to suit the most exacting taste. Do

you still fence well?”

“I — I fence as well as you did in the old time — better

still, perhaps; I do nothing else all day.”

“And with whom?”

“With an excellent master-at-arms that we have here.”

“What! here?”

Yes, here, in this convent, my dear fellow. There is

everything in a Jesuit convent.”

“Then you would have killed Monsieur de Marsillac if he had

come alone to attack you, instead of at the head of twenty


“Undoubtedly,” said Aramis, “and even at the head of his

twenty men, if I could have drawn without being recognized.”

“God pardon me!” said D’Artagnan to himself, “I believe he

has become more Gascon than I am!” Then aloud: “Well, my

dear Aramis, do you ask me why I came to seek you?”

“No, I have not asked you that,” said Aramis, with his

subtle manner; “but I have expected you to tell me.”

“Well, I sought you for the single purpose of offering you a

chance to kill Monsieur de Marsillac whenever you please,

prince though he is.”

“Hold on! wait!” said Aramis; “that is an idea!”

“Of which I invite you to take advantage, my friend. Let us

see; with your thousand crowns from the abbey and the twelve

thousand francs you make by selling sermons, are you rich?

Answer frankly.”

“I? I am as poor as Job, and were you to search my pockets

and my boxes I don’t believe you would find a hundred


“Peste! a hundred pistoles!” said D’Artagnan to himself; “he

calls that being as poor as Job! If I had them I should

think myself as rich as Croesus.” Then aloud: “Are you


“As Enceladus.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Well, my friend, I bring you the means of becoming rich,

powerful, and free to do whatever you wish.”

The shadow of a cloud passed over Aramis’s face as quickly

as that which in August passes over the field of grain; but

quick as it was, it did not escape D’Artagnan’s observation.

“Speak on,” said Aramis.

“One question first. Do you take any interest in politics?”

A gleam of light shone in Aramis’s eyes, as brief as the

shadow that had passed over his face, but not so brief but

that it was seen by D’Artagnan.

“No,” Aramis replied.

“Then proposals from any quarter will be agreeable to you,

since for the moment you have no master but God?”

“It is possible.”

“Have you, my dear Aramis, thought sometimes of those happy,

happy, happy days of youth we passed laughing, drinking, and

fighting each other for play?”

“Certainly, and more than once regretted them; it was indeed

a glorious time.”

“Well, those splendidly wild days may chance to come again;

I am commissioned to find out my companions and I began by

you, who were the very soul of our society.”

Aramis bowed, rather with respect than pleasure at the


“To meddle in politics,” he exclaimed, in a languid voice,

leaning back in his easy-chair. “Ah! dear D’Artagnan! see

how regularly I live and how easy I am here. We have

experienced the ingratitude of `the great,’ as you well


“‘Tis true,” replied D’Artagnan. “Yet the great sometimes

repent of their ingratitude.”

“In that case it would be quite another thing. Come! let’s

be merciful to every sinner! Besides, you are right in

another respect, which is in thinking that if we were to

meddle in politics there could not be a better time than the


“How can you know that? You who never interest yourself in


“Ah! without caring about them myself, I live among those

who are much occupied in them. Poet as I am, I am intimate

with Sarazin, who is devoted to the Prince de Conti, and

with Monsieur de Bois-Robert, who, since the death of

Cardinal Richelieu, is of all parties or any party; so that

political discussions have not altogether been uninteresting

to me.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre