Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

with a wide brim. The cardinal put it on in military style.

“Your horses are ready saddled in their stables, are they

not?” he said, turning to D’Artagnan.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Well, let us set out.”

“How many men does your eminence wish to escort you?”

“You say that with four men you will undertake to disperse a

hundred low fellows; as it may happen that we shall have to

encounter two hundred, take eight —- ”

“As many as my lord wishes.”

“I will follow you. This way — light us downstairs Bernouin.

The valet held a wax-light; the cardinal took a key from his

bureau and opening the door of a secret stair descended into

the court of the Palais Royal.


A Nightly Patrol.

Page 12

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

In ten minutes Mazarin and his party were traversing the

street “Les Bons Enfants” behind the theatre built by

Richelieu expressly for the play of “Mirame,” and in which

Mazarin, who was an amateur of music, but not of literature,

had introduced into France the first opera that was ever

acted in that country.

The appearance of the town denoted the greatest agitation.

Numberless groups paraded the streets and, whatever

D’Artagnan might think of it, it was obvious that the

citizens had for the night laid aside their usual

forbearance, in order to assume a warlike aspect. From time

to time noises came in the direction of the public markets.

The report of firearms was heard near the Rue Saint Denis

and occasionally church bells began to ring indiscriminately

and at the caprice of the populace. D’Artagnan, meantime,

pursued his way with the indifference of a man upon whom

such acts of folly made no impression. When he approached a

group in the middle of the street he urged his horse upon it

without a word of warning; and the members of the group,

whether rebels or not, as if they knew with what sort of a

man they had to deal, at once gave place to the patrol. The

cardinal envied that composure, which he attributed to the

habit of meeting danger; but none the less he conceived for

the officer under whose orders he had for the moment placed

himself, that consideration which even prudence pays to

careless courage. On approaching an outpost near the

Barriere des Sergens, the sentinel cried out, “Who’s there?”

and D’Artagnan answered — having first asked the word of

the cardinal — “Louis and Rocroy.” After which he inquired

if Lieutenant Comminges were not the commanding officer at

the outpost. The soldier replied by pointing out to him an

officer who was conversing, on foot, his hand upon the neck

of a horse on which the individual to whom he was talking

sat. Here was the officer D’Artagnan was seeking.

“Here is Monsieur Comminges,” said D’Artagnan, returning to

the cardinal. He instantly retired, from a feeling of

respectful delicacy; it was, however, evident that the

cardinal was recognized by both Comminges and the other

officers on horseback.

“Well done, Guitant,” cried the cardinal to the equestrian;

“I see plainly that, notwithstanding the sixty-four years

that have passed over your head, you are still the same man,

active and zealous. What were you saying to this youngster?”

“My lord,” replied Guitant, “I was observing that we live in

troublous times and that to-day’s events are very like those

in the days of the Ligue, of which I heard so much in my

youth. Are you aware that the mob have even suggested

throwing up barricades in the Rue Saint Denis and the Rue

Saint Antoine?”

“And what was Comminges saying to you in reply, my good


“My lord,” said Comminges, “I answered that to compose a

Ligue only one ingredient was wanting — in my opinion an

essential one — a Duc de Guise; moreover, no generation

ever does the same thing twice.”

Page 13

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“No, but they mean to make a Fronde, as they call it,” said


“And what is a Fronde?” inquired Mazarin.

“My lord, Fronde is the name the discontented give to their


“And what is the origin of this name?”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre