Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

hotel of the Roe he found, however, that it was in front of

the next house the mob was collected. The people were

shouting and running about with torches. By the light of one

of these torches D’Artagnan perceived men in uniform.

He asked what was going on.

He was told that twenty citizens, headed by one man, had

attacked a carriage which was escorted by a troop of the

cardinal’s bodyguard; but a reinforcement having come up,

the assailants had been put to flight and the leader had

taken refuge in the hotel next to his lodgings; the house

was now being searched.

In his youth D’Artagnan had often headed the bourgeoisie

against the military, but he was cured of all those

hot-headed propensities; besides, he had the cardinal’s

hundred pistoles in his pocket, so he went into the hotel

without a word. There he found Madeleine alarmed for his

safety and anxious to tell him all the events of the

evening, but he cut her short by ordering her to put his

supper in his room and give him with it a bottle of good


He took his key and candle and went upstairs to his bedroom.

He had been contented, for the convenience of the house, to

lodge in the fourth story; and truth obliges us even to

confess that his chamber was just above the gutter and below

the roof. His first care on entering it was to lock up in an

old bureau with a new lock his bag of money, and then as

soon as supper was ready he sent away the waiter who brought

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

it up and sat down to table.

Not to reflect on what had passed, as one might fancy. No,

D’Artagnan considered that things are never well done when

they are not reserved to their proper time. He was hungry;

he supped, he went to bed. Neither was he one of those who

think that the necessary silence of the night brings counsel

with it. In the night he slept, but in the morning,

refreshed and calm, he was inspired with his clearest views

of everything. It was long since he had any reason for his

morning’s inspiration, but he always slept all night long.

At daybreak he awoke and took a turn around his room.

“In ’43,” he said, “just before the death of the late

cardinal, I received a letter from Athos. Where was I then?

Let me see. Oh! at the siege of Besancon I was in the

trenches. He told me — let me think — what was it? That he

was living on a small estate — but where? I was just

reading the name of the place when the wind blew my letter

away, I suppose to the Spaniards; there’s no use in thinking

any more about Athos. Let me see: with regard to Porthos, I

received a letter from him, too. He invited me to a hunting

party on his property in the month of September, 1646.

Unluckily, as I was then in Bearn, on account of my father’s

death, the letter followed me there. I had left Bearn when

it arrived and I never received it until the month of April,

1647; and as the invitation was for September, 1646, I

couldn’t accept it. Let me look for this letter; it must be

with my title deeds.”

D’Artagnan opened an old casket which stood in a corner of

the room, and which was full of parchments referring to an

estate during a period of two hundred years lost to his

family. He uttered an exclamation of delight, for the large

handwriting of Porthos was discernible, and underneath some

lines traced by his worthy spouse.

D’Artagnan eagerly searched for the heading of this letter;

it was dated from the Chateau du Vallon.

Porthos had forgotten that any other address was necessary;

in his pride he fancied that every one must know the Chateau

du Vallon.

“Devil take the vain fellow,” said D’Artagnan. “However, I

had better find him out first, since he can’t want money.

Athos must have become an idiot by this time from drinking.

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre