Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

the vanity of Porthos, he was ashamed to equivocate with

Athos, true-hearted, open Athos. It seemed to him that if

Porthos and Aramis deemed him superior to them in the arts

of diplomacy, they would like him all the better for it; but

that Athos, on the contrary, would despise him.

“Ah! why is not Grimaud, the taciturn Grimaud, here?”

thought D’Artagnan, “there are so many things his silence

would have told me; with Grimaud silence was another form of


There reigned a perfect stillness in the house. D’Artagnan

had heard the door shut and the shutters barred; the dogs

became in their turn silent. At last a nightingale, lost in

a thicket of shrubs, in the midst of its most melodious

cadences had fluted low and lower into stillness and fallen

asleep. Not a sound was heard in the castle, except of a

footstep up and down, in the chamber above — as he

supposed, the bedroom of Athos.

“He is walking about and thinking,” thought D’Artagnan; “but

of what? It is impossible to know; everything else might be

guessed, but not that.”

At length Athos went to bed, apparently, for the noise


Silence and fatigue together overcame D’Artagnan and sleep

overtook him also. He was not, however, a good sleeper.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

Scarcely had dawn gilded his window curtains when he sprang

out of bed and opened the windows. Somebody, he perceived,

was in the courtyard, moving stealthily. True to his custom

of never passing anything over that it was within his power

to know, D’Artagnan looked out of the window and perceived

the close red coat and brown hair of Raoul.

The young man was opening the door of the stable. He then,

with noiseless haste, took out the horse that he had ridden

on the previous evening, saddled and bridled it himself and

led the animal into the alley to the right of the

kitchen-garden, opened a side door which conducted him to a

bridle road, shut it after him, and D’Artagnan saw him pass

by like a dart, bending, as he went, beneath the pendent

flowery branches of maple and acacia. The road, as

D’Artagnan had observed, was the way to Blois.

“So!” thought the Gascon “here’s a young blade who has

already his love affair, who doesn’t at all agree with Athos

in his hatred to the fair sex. He’s not going to hunt, for

he has neither dogs nor arms; he’s not going on a message,

for he goes secretly. Why does he go in secret? Is he afraid

of me or of his father? for I am sure the count is his

father. By Jove! I shall know about that soon, for I shall

soon speak out to Athos.”

Day was now advanced; all the noises that had ceased the

night before reawakened, one after the other. The bird on

the branch, the dog in his kennel, the sheep in the field,

the boats moored in the Loire, even, became alive and vocal.

The latter, leaving the shore, abandoned themselves gaily to

the current. The Gascon gave a last twirl to his mustache, a

last turn to his hair, brushed, from habit, the brim of his

hat with the sleeve of his doublet, and went downstairs.

Scarcely had he descended the last step of the threshold

when he saw Athos bent down toward the ground, as if he were

looking for a crown-piece in the dust.

“Good-morning, my dear host,” cried D’Artagnan.

“Good-day to you; have you slept well?”

“Excellently, Athos, but what are you looking for? You are

perhaps a tulip fancier?”

“My dear friend, if I am, you must not laugh at me for being

so. In the country people alter; one gets to like, without

knowing it, all those beautiful objects that God causes to

spring from the earth, which are despised in cities. I was

looking anxiously for some iris roots I planted here, close

to this reservoir, and which some one has trampled upon this

morning. These gardeners are the most careless people in the

world; in bringing the horse out to the water they’ve

allowed him to walk over the border.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre