Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

his horse, whilst Planchet, with a smile on his lips,

advanced toward the master of the house.

“But I know you, my lad,” said Athos, appearing on the


“Oh, yes, monsieur le comte, you know me and I know you. I

am Planchet — Planchet, whom you know well.” But the honest

servant could say no more, so much was he overcome by this

unexpected interview.

“What, Planchet, is Monsieur d’Artagnan here?”

“Here I am, my friend, dear Athos!” cried D’Artagnan, in a

faltering voice and almost staggering from agitation.

At these words a visible emotion was expressed on the

beautiful countenance and calm features of Athos. He rushed

toward D’Artagnan with eyes fixed upon him and clasped him

in his arms. D’Artagnan, equally moved, pressed him also

closely to him, whilst tears stood in his eyes. Athos then

took him by the hand and led him into the drawing-room,

where there were several people. Every one arose.

“I present to you,” he said, “Monsieur le Chevalier

D’Artagnan, lieutenant of his majesty’s musketeers, a

devoted friend and one of the most excellent, brave

gentlemen that I have ever known.”

D’Artagnan received the compliments of those who were

present in his own way, and whilst the conversation became

general he looked earnestly at Athos.

Strange! Athos was scarcely aged at all! His fine eyes, no

longer surrounded by that dark line which nights of

dissipation pencil too infallibly, seemed larger, more

liquid than ever. His face, a little elongated, had gained

in calm dignity what it had lost in feverish excitement. His

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

hand, always wonderfully beautiful and strong, was set off

by a ruffle of lace, like certain hands by Titian and

Vandyck. He was less stiff than formerly. His long, dark

hair, softly powdered here and there with silver tendrils,

fell elegantly over his shoulders in wavy curls; his voice

was still youthful, as if belonging to a Hercules of

twenty-five, and his magnificent teeth, which he had

preserved white and sound, gave an indescribable charm to

his smile.

Meanwhile the guests, seeing that the two friends were

longing to be alone, prepared to depart, when a noise of

dogs barking resounded through the courtyard and many

persons said at the same moment:

“Ah! ’tis Raoul, who is come home.”

Athos, as the name of Raoul was pronounced, looked

inquisitively at D’Artagnan, in order to see if any

curiosity was painted on his face. But D’Artagnan was still

in confusion and turned around almost mechanically when a

fine young man of fifteen years of age, dressed simply, but

in perfect taste, entered the room, raising, as he came, his

hat, adorned with a long plume of scarlet feathers.

Nevertheless, D’Artagnan was struck by the appearance of

this new personage. It seemed to explain to him the change

in Athos; a resemblance between the boy and the man

explained the mystery of this regenerated existence. He

remained listening and gazing.

“Here you are, home again, Raoul,” said the comte.

“Yes, sir,” replied the youth, with deep respect, “and I

have performed the commission that you gave me.”

“But what’s the matter, Raoul?” said Athos, very anxiously.

“You are pale and agitated.”

“Sir,” replied the young man, “it is on account of an

accident which has happened to our little neighbor.”

“To Mademoiselle de la Valliere?” asked Athos, quickly.

“What is it?” cried many persons present.

“She was walking with her nurse Marceline, in the place

where the woodmen cut the wood, when, passing on horseback,

I stopped. She saw me also and in trying to jump from the

end of a pile of wood on which she had mounted, the poor

child fell and was not able to rise again. I fear that she

has badly sprained her ankle.”

“Oh, heavens!” cried Athos. “And her mother, Madame de

Saint-Remy, have they yet told her of it?”

“No, sir, Madame de Saint-Remy is at Blois with the Duchess

of Orleans. I am afraid that what was first done was

unskillful, if not worse than useless. I am come, sir, to

ask your advice.”

“Send directly to Blois, Raoul; or, rather, take horse and

ride immediately yourself.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre