Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

place, he remarked that the window was again lighted up and

he was convinced that Aramis had not yet returned to his own

apartment and that when he did it would not be alone.

In truth, in a few minutes he heard steps approaching and

low whispers.

Close to the hedge the steps stopped.

D’Artagnan knelt down near the thickest part of the hedge.

Two men, to the astonishment of D’Artagnan, appeared

shortly; soon, however, his surprise vanished, for he heard

the murmurs of a soft, harmonious voice; one of these two

men was a woman disguised as a cavalier.

“Calm yourself, dear Rene,” said the soft voice, “the same

thing will never happen again. I have discovered a sort of

subterranean passage which runs beneath the street and we

shall only have to raise one of the marble slabs before the

door to open you an entrance and an outlet.”

“Oh!” answered another voice, which D’Artagnan instantly

recognized as that of Aramis. “I swear to you, princess,

that if your reputation did not depend on precautions and if

my life alone were jeopardized —- ”

“Yes, yes! I know you are as brave and venturesome as any

man in the world, but you do not belong to me alone; you

belong to all our party. Be prudent! sensible!”

“I always obey, madame, when I am commanded by so gentle a


He kissed her hand tenderly.

“Ah!” exclaimed the cavalier with a soft voice.

“What’s the matter?” asked Aramis.

“Do you not see that the wind has blown off my hat?”

Aramis rushed after the fugitive hat. D’Artagnan took

advantage of the circumstance to find a place in the hedge

not so thick, where his glance could penetrate to the

supposed cavalier. At that instant, the moon, inquisitive,

perhaps, like D’Artagnan, came from behind a cloud and by

her light D’Artagnan recognized the large blue eyes, the

golden hair and the classic head of the Duchess de


Aramis returned, laughing, one hat on his head and the other

in his hand; and he and his companion resumed their walk

toward the convent.

“Good!” said D’Artagnan, rising and brushing his knees; “now

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

I have thee — thou art a Frondeur and the lover of Madame

de Longueville.”


Monsieur Porthos du Vallon de Bracieux de Pierrefonds.

Thanks to what Aramis had told him, D’Artagnan, who knew

already that Porthos called himself Du Vallon, was now aware

that he styled himself, from his estate, De Bracieux; and

that he was, on account of this estate, engaged in a lawsuit

with the Bishop of Noyon. It was, then, in the neighborhood

of Noyon that he must seek that estate. His itinerary was

promptly determined: he would go to Dammartin, from which

place two roads diverge, one toward Soissons, the other

toward Compiegne; there he would inquire concerning the

Bracieux estate and go to the right or to the left according

to the information obtained.

Planchet, who was still a little concerned for his safety

after his recent escapade, declared that he would follow

D’Artagnan even to the end of the world, either by the road

to the right or by that to the left; only he begged his

former master to set out in the evening, for greater

security to himself. D’Artagnan suggested that he should

send word to his wife, so that she might not be anxious

about him, but Planchet replied with much sagacity that he

was very sure his wife would not die of anxiety through not

knowing where he was, while he, Planchet, remembering her

incontinence of tongue, would die of anxiety if she did


This reasoning seemed to D’Artagnan so satisfactory that he

no further insisted; and about eight o’clock in the evening,

the time when the vapors of night begin to thicken in the

streets, he left the Hotel de la Chevrette, and followed by

Planchet set forth from the capital by way of the Saint

Denis gate.

At midnight the two travelers were at Dammartin, but it was

then too late to make inquiries — the host of the Cygne de

la Croix had gone to bed.

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre