Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

taxes were to be still further increased, when cries of

“Down with Mazarin!” “Long live Broussel!” “Long live

Blancmesnil!” resounded through the city. For the people had

learned that Broussel and Blancmesnil had made speeches in

their behalf, and, although the eloquence of these deputies

had been without avail, it had none the less won for them

the people’s good-will. All attempts to disperse the groups

collected in the streets, or silence their exclamations,

were in vain. Orders had just been given to the royal guards

and the Swiss guards, not only to stand firm, but to send

out patrols to the streets of Saint Denis and Saint Martin,

where the people thronged and where they were the most

vociferous, when the mayor of Paris was announced at the

Palais Royal.

He was shown in directly; he came to say that if these

offensive precautions were not discontinued, in two hours

Paris would be under arms.

Deliberations were being held when a lieutenant in the

guards, named Comminges, made his appearance, with his

clothes all torn, his face streaming with blood. The queen

on seeing him uttered a cry of surprise and asked him what

was going on.

As the mayor had foreseen, the sight of the guards had

exasperated the mob. The tocsin was sounded. Comminges had

arrested one of the ringleaders and had ordered him to be

hanged near the cross of Du Trahoir; but in attempting to

execute this command the soldiery were attacked in the

market-place with stones and halberds; the delinquent had

escaped to the Rue des Lombards and rushed into a house.

They broke open the doors and searched the dwelling, but in

vain. Comminges, wounded by a stone which had struck him on

the forehead, had left a picket in the street and returned

to the Palais Royal, followed by a menacing crowd, to tell

his story.

Page 9

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

This account confirmed that of the mayor. The authorities

were not in a condition to cope with serious revolt. Mazarin

endeavored to circulate among the people a report that

troops had only been stationed on the quays and on the Pont

Neuf, on account of the ceremonial of the day, and that they

would soon withdraw. In fact, about four o’clock they were

all concentrated about the Palais Royal, the courts and

ground floors of which were filled with musketeers and Swiss

guards, and there awaited the outcome of all this


Such was the state of affairs at the very moment we

introduced our readers to the study of Cardinal Mazarin —

once that of Cardinal Richelieu. We have seen in what state

of mind he listened to the murmurs from below, which even

reached him in his seclusion, and to the guns, the firing of

which resounded through that room. All at once he raised his

head; his brow slightly contracted like that of a man who

has formed a resolution; he fixed his eyes upon an enormous

clock that was about to strike ten, and taking up a whistle

of silver gilt that stood upon the table near him, he

shrilled it twice.

A door hidden in the tapestry opened noiselessly and a man

in black silently advanced and stood behind the chair on

which Mazarin sat.

“Bernouin,” said the cardinal, not turning round, for having

whistled, he knew that it was his valet-de-chambre who was

behind him; “what musketeers are now within the palace?”

“The Black Musketeers, my lord.”

“What company?”

“Treville’s company.”

“Is there any officer belonging to this company in the


“Lieutenant d’Artagnan.”

“A man on whom we can depend, I hope.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Give me a uniform of one of these musketeers and help me to

put it on.”

The valet went out as silently as he had entered and

appeared in a few minutes bringing the dress demanded.

The cardinal, in deep thought and in silence, began to take

off the robes of state he had assumed in order to be present

at the sitting of parliament, and to attire himself in the

military coat, which he wore with a certain degree of easy

grace, owing to his former campaigns in Italy. When he was

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre