Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

have been received by two queens; it is not so bad for a


“Oh sir,” said Raoul, suddenly, “you recall something,

which, in my haste to relate my exploits, I had forgotten;

it is that there was with Her Majesty the Queen of England,

a gentleman who, when I pronounced your name, uttered a cry

of surprise and joy; he said he was a friend of yours, asked

your address, and is coming to see you.”

“What is his name?”

“I did not venture to ask, sir; he spoke elegantly, although

I thought from his accent he was an Englishman.”

“Ah!” said Athos, leaning down his head as if to remember

who it could be. Then, when he raised it again, he was

struck by the presence of a man who was standing at the open

door and was gazing at him with a compassionate air.

“Lord de Winter!” exclaimed the count.

“Athos, my friend!”

And the two gentlemen were for an instant locked in each

other’s arms; then Athos, looking into his friend’s face and

taking him by both hands, said:

“What ails you, my lord? you appear as unhappy as I am the


“Yes, truly, dear friend; and I may even say the sight of

you increases my dismay.”

And De Winter glancing around him, Raoul quickly understood

that the two friends wished to be alone and he therefore

left the room unaffectedly.

Page 273

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Come, now that we are alone,” said Athos, “let us talk of


“Whilst we are alone let us speak of ourselves,” replied De

Winter. “He is here.”


“Milady’s son.”

Athos, again struck by this name, which seemed to pursue him

like an echo, hesitated for a moment, then slightly knitting

his brows, he calmly said:

“I know it, Grimaud met him between Bethune and Arras and

then came here to warn me of his presence.”

“Does Grimaud know him, then?”

“No; but he was present at the deathbed of a man who knew


“The headsman of Bethune?” exclaimed De Winter.

“You know about that?” cried Athos, astonished.

“He has just left me,” replied De Winter, “after telling me

all. Ah! my friend! what a horrible scene! Why did we not

destroy the child with the mother?”

“What need you fear?” said Athos, recovering from the

instinctive fear he had at first experienced, by the aid of

reason; “are we not men accustomed to defend ourselves? Is

this young man an assassin by profession — a murderer in

cold blood? He has killed the executioner of Bethune in an

access of passion, but now his fury is assuaged.”

De Winter smiled sorrowfully and shook his head.

“Do you not know the race?” said he.

“Pooh!” said Athos, trying to smile in his turn. “It must

have lost its ferocity in the second generation. Besides, my

friend, Providence has warned us, that we may be on our

guard. All we can now do is to wait. Let us wait; and, as I

said before, let us speak of yourself. What brings you to


“Affairs of importance which you shall know later. But what

is this that I hear from Her Majesty the Queen of England?

Monsieur d’Artagnan sides with Mazarin! Pardon my frankness,

dear friend. I neither hate nor blame the cardinal, and your

opinions will be held ever sacred by me. But do you happen

to belong to him?”

“Monsieur d’Artagnan,” replied Athos, “is in the service; he

is a soldier and obeys all constitutional authority.

Monsieur d’Artagnan is not rich and has need of his position

as lieutenant to enable him to live. Millionaires like

yourself, my lord, are rare in France.”

“Alas!” said De Winter, “I am at this moment as poor as he

is, if not poorer. But to return to our subject.”

Page 274

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Well, then, you wish to know if I am of Mazarin’s party?

No. Pardon my frankness, too, my lord.”

“I am obliged to you, count, for this pleasing intelligence!

You make me young and happy again by it. Ah! so you are not

a Mazarinist? Delightful! Indeed, you could not belong to

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre