Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

waits in the parlor, demanding the honor of presenting a

letter to your majesty.”

“Oh, a letter! a letter from the king, perhaps. News from

your father, do you hear, Henrietta? And the name of this


“Lord de Winter.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Lord de Winter!” exclaimed the queen, “the friend of my

husband. Oh, bid him enter!”

And the queen advanced to meet the messenger, whose hand she

seized affectionately, whilst he knelt down and presented a

letter to her, contained in a case of gold.

“Ah! my lord!” said the queen, “you bring us three things

which we have not seen for a long time. Gold, a devoted

friend, and a letter from the king, our husband and master.”

De Winter bowed again, unable to reply from excess of


On their side the mother and daughter retired into the

embrasure of a window to read eagerly the following letter:

Dear Wife, — We have now reached the moment of decision. I

have concentrated here at Naseby camp all the resources

Heaven has left me, and I write to you in haste from thence.

Here I await the army of my rebellious subjects. I am about

to struggle for the last time with them. If victorious, I

shall continue the struggle; if beaten, I am lost. I shall

try, in the latter case (alas! in our position, one must

provide for everything), I shall try to gain the coast of

France. But can they, will they receive an unhappy king, who

will bring such a sad story into a country already agitated

by civil discord? Your wisdom and your affection must serve

me as guides. The bearer of this letter will tell you,

madame, what I dare not trust to pen and paper and the risks

of transit. He will explain to you the steps that I expect

you to pursue. I charge him also with my blessing for my

children and with the sentiments of my soul for yourself, my

dearest sweetheart.”

The letter bore the signature, not of “Charles, King,” but

of “Charles — still king.”

“And let him be no longer king,” cried the queen. “Let him

be conquered, exiled, proscribed, provided he still lives.

Alas! in these days the throne is too dangerous a place for

me to wish him to retain it. But my lord, tell me,” she

continued, “hide nothing from me — what is, in truth, the

king’s position? Is it as hopeless as he thinks?”

“Alas! madame, more hopeless than he thinks. His majesty has

so good a heart that he cannot understand hatred; is so

loyal that he does not suspect treason! England is torn in

twain by a spirit of disturbance which, I greatly fear,

blood alone can exorcise.”

“But Lord Montrose,” replied the queen, “I have heard of his

great and rapid successes of battles gained. I heard it said

that he was marching to the frontier to join the king.”

“Yes, madame; but on the frontier he was met by Lesly; he

had tried victory by means of superhuman undertakings. Now

victory has abandoned him. Montrose, beaten at Philiphaugh,

was obliged to disperse the remains of his army and to fly,

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disguised as a servant. He is at Bergen, in Norway.”

“Heaven preserve him!” said the queen. “It is at least a

consolation to know that some who have so often risked their

lives for us are safe. And now, my lord, that I see how

hopeless the position of the king is, tell me with what you

are charged on the part of my royal husband.”

“Well, then, madame,” said De Winter, “the king wishes you

to try and discover the dispositions of the king and queen

toward him.”

“Alas! you know that even now the king is but a child and

the queen a woman weak enough. Here, Monsieur Mazarin is


“Does he desire to play the part in France that Cromwell

plays in England?”

“Oh, no! He is a subtle, conscienceless Italian, who though

he very likely dreams of crime, dares not commit it; and

unlike Cromwell, who disposes of both Houses, Mazarin has

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre