Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

ruin him in saying so.”


“Because he may be tried for it.”

“Ah! absurd! they don’t burn sorcerers nowadays.”

“No? ‘Tis not a long time since the late cardinal burnt

Urban Grandier, though.”

“My friend, Urban Grandier wasn’t a sorcerer, he was a

learned man. He didn’t predict the future, he knew the past

— often a more dangerous thing.”

Mazarin nodded an assent, but wishing to know what this

prediction was, about which they disputed, he remained in

the same place.

“I don’t say,” resumed the guard, “that Coysel is not a

sorcerer, but I say that if his prophecy gets wind, it’s a

sure way to prevent it’s coming true.”

“How so?”

“Why, in this way: if Coysel says loud enough for the

cardinal to hear him, on such or such a day such a prisoner

will escape, ’tis plain that the cardinal will take measures

of precaution and that the prisoner will not escape.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Good Lord!” said another guard, who might have been thought

asleep on a bench, but who had lost not a syllable of the

conversation, “do you suppose that men can escape their

destiny? If it is written yonder, in Heaven, that the Duc de

Beaufort is to escape, he will escape; and all the

precautions of the cardinal will not prevent it.”

Mazarin started. He was an Italian and therefore

superstitious. He walked straight into the midst of the

guards, who on seeing him were silent.

“What were you saying?” he asked with his flattering manner;

“that Monsieur de Beaufort had escaped, were you not?”

“Oh, no, my lord!” said the incredulous soldier. “He’s well

guarded now; we only said he would escape.”

“Who said so?”

“Repeat your story, Saint Laurent,” replied the man, turning

to the originator of the tale.

“My lord,” said the guard, “I have simply mentioned the

prophecy I heard from a man named Coysel, who believes that,

be he ever so closely watched and guarded, the Duke of

Beaufort will escape before Whitsuntide.”

“Coysel is a madman!” returned the cardinal.

“No,” replied the soldier, tenacious in his credulity; “he

has foretold many things which have come to pass; for

instance, that the queen would have a son; that Monsieur

Coligny would be killed in a duel with the Duc de Guise; and

finally, that the coadjutor would be made cardinal. Well!

the queen has not only one son, but two; then, Monsieur de

Coligny was killed, and —- ”

“Yes,” said Mazarin, “but the coadjutor is not yet made


“No, my lord, but he will be,” answered the guard.

Mazarin made a grimace, as if he meant to say, “But he does

not wear the cardinal’s cap;” then he added:

“So, my friend, it’s your opinion that Monsieur de Beaufort

will escape?”

“That’s my idea, my lord; and if your eminence were to offer

to make me at this moment governor of the castle of

Vincennes, I should refuse it. After Whitsuntide it would be

another thing.”

There is nothing so convincing as a firm conviction. It has

its own effect upon the most incredulous; and far from being

incredulous, Mazarin was superstitious. He went away

thoughtful and anxious and returned to his own room, where

he summoned Bernouin and desired him to fetch thither in the

morning the special guard he had placed over Monsieur de

Beaufort and to awaken him whenever he should arrive.

The guard had, in fact, touched the cardinal in the

tenderest point. During the whole five years in which the

Duc de Beaufort had been in prison not a day had passed in

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

which the cardinal had not felt a secret dread of his

escape. It was not possible, as he knew well, to confine for

the whole of his life the grandson of Henry IV., especially

when this young prince was scarcely thirty years of age. But

however and whensoever he did escape, what hatred he must

cherish against him to whom he owed his long imprisonment;

who had taken him, rich, brave, glorious, beloved by women,

feared by men, to cut off his life’s best, happiest years;

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre