Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

the cardinal, the child, who had been absorbed in the pages

of Quintus Curtius, enlivened as they were by engravings of

Alexander’s feats of arms, frowned and looked at his mother.

“Why,” he said, “does he enter without first asking for an


Anne colored slightly.

“The prime minister,” she said, “is obliged in these

unsettled days to inform the queen of all that is happening

from time to time, without exciting the curiosity or remarks

of the court.”

“But Richelieu never came in this manner,” said the

pertinacious boy.

“How can you remember what Monsieur de Richelieu did? You

were too young to know about such things.”

“I do not remember what he did, but I have inquired and I

have been told all about it.”

“And who told you about it?” asked Anne of Austria, with a

movement of impatience.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“I know that I ought never to name the persons who answer my

questions,” answered the child, “for if I do I shall learn

nothing further.”

At this very moment Mazarin entered. The king rose

immediately, took his book, closed it and went to lay it

down on the table, near which he continued standing, in

order that Mazarin might be obliged to stand also.

Mazarin contemplated these proceedings with a thoughtful

glance. They explained what had occurred that evening.

He bowed respectfully to the king, who gave him a somewhat

cavalier reception, but a look from his mother reproved him

for the hatred which, from his infancy, Louis XIV. had

entertained toward Mazarin, and he endeavored to receive the

minister’s homage with civility.

Anne of Austria sought to read in Mazarin’s face the

occasion of this unexpected visit, since the cardinal

usually came to her apartment only after every one had


The minister made a slight sign with his head, whereupon the

queen said to Madame Beauvais:

“It is time for the king to go to bed; call Laporte.”

The queen had several times already told her son that he

ought to go to bed, and several times Louis had coaxingly

insisted on staying where he was; but now he made no reply,

but turned pale and bit his lips with anger.

In a few minutes Laporte came into the room. The child went

directly to him without kissing his mother.

“Well, Louis,” said Anne, “why do you not kiss me?”

“I thought you were angry with me, madame; you sent me


“I do not send you away, but you have had the small-pox and

I am afraid that sitting up late may tire you.”

“You had no fears of my being tired when you ordered me to

go to the palace to-day to pass the odious decrees which

have raised the people to rebellion.”

“Sire!” interposed Laporte, in order to turn the subject,

“to whom does your majesty wish me to give the candle?”

“To any one, Laporte,” the child said; and then added in a

loud voice, “to any one except Mancini.”

Now Mancini was a nephew of Mazarin’s and was as much hated

by Louis as the cardinal himself, although placed near his

person by the minister.

And the king went out of the room without either embracing

his mother or even bowing to the cardinal.

“Good,” said Mazarin, “I am glad to see that his majesty has

been brought up with a hatred of dissimulation.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Why do you say that?” asked the queen, almost timidly.

“Why, it seems to me that the way in which he left us needs

no explanation. Besides, his majesty takes no pains to

conceal how little affection he has for me. That, however,

does not hinder me from being entirely devoted to his

service, as I am to that of your majesty.”

“I ask your pardon for him, cardinal,” said the queen; “he

is a child, not yet able to understand his obligations to


The cardinal smiled.

“But,” continued the queen, “you have doubtless come for

some important purpose. What is it, then?”

Mazarin sank into a chair with the deepest melancholy

painted on his countenance.

“It is likely,” he replied, “that we shall soon be obliged

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre