Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

talking about a hundred yards off. Olivain was at the same

distance in the rear, when suddenly there resounded five or

six musket-shots. The tutor cried halt; the young men

obeyed, pulling up their steeds, and at the same moment the

two valets were seen returning at a gallop.

The young men, impatient to learn the cause of the firing,

spurred on toward the servants. The tutor followed them.

“Were you stopped?” eagerly inquired the two youths.

“No,” replied the servants, “it is even probable that we

have not been seen; the shots were fired about a hundred

paces in advance of us, in the thickest part of the wood,

and we returned to ask your advice.”

“My advice is this,” said Monsieur d’Arminges, “and if needs

be, my will, that we beat a retreat. There may be an

ambuscade concealed in this wood.”

“Did you see nothing there?” asked the count.

“I thought I saw,” said one of the servants, “horsemen

dressed in yellow, creeping along the bed of the stream.

“That’s it,” said the tutor. “We have fallen in with a party

of Spaniards. Come back, sirs, back.”

The two youths looked at each other, and at this moment a

pistol-shot and cries for help were heard. Another glance

between the young men convinced them both that neither had

any wish to go back, and as the tutor had already turned his

horse’s head, they both spurred forward, Raoul crying:

“Follow me, Olivain!” and the Count de Guiche: “Follow,

Urban and Planchet!” And before the tutor could recover from

his surprise they had both disappeared into the forest.

Whilst they spurred their steeds they held their pistols

ready also. In five minutes they arrived at the spot whence

the noise had proceeded, and then restraining their horses,

they advanced cautiously.

“Hush,” whispered De Guiche, “these are cavaliers.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Yes, three on horseback and three who have dismounted.”

“Can you see what they are doing?”

“Yes, they appear to be searching a wounded or dead man.”

“It is some cowardly assassination,” said De Guiche.

“They are soldiers, though,” resumed De Bragelonne.

“Yes, skirmishers; that is to say, highway robbers.”

“At them!” cried Raoul. “At them!” echoed De Guiche.

“Oh! gentlemen! gentlemen! in the name of Heaven!” cried the

poor tutor.

But he was not listened to, and his cries only served to

arouse the attention of the Spaniards.

The men on horseback at once rushed at the two youths,

leaving the three others to complete the plunder of the dead

or wounded travelers; for on approaching nearer, instead of

one extended figure, the young men discovered two. De Guiche

fired the first shot at ten paces and missed his man; and

the Spaniard, who had advanced to meet Raoul, aimed in his

turn, and Raoul felt a pain in the left arm, similar to that

of a blow from a whip. He let off his fire at but four

paces. Struck in the breast and extending his arms, the

Spaniard fell back on the crupper, and the terrified horse,

turning around, carried him off.

Raoul at this moment perceived the muzzle of a gun pointed

at him, and remembering the recommendation of Athos, he,

with the rapidity of lightning, made his horse rear as the

shot was fired. His horse bounded to one side, losing its

footing, and fell, entangling Raoul’s leg under its body.

The Spaniard sprang forward and seized the gun by its

muzzle, in order to strike Raoul on the head with the butt.

In the position in which Raoul lay, unfortunately, he could

neither draw his sword from the scabbard, nor his pistols

from their holsters. The butt end of the musket hovered over

his head, and he could scarcely restrain himself from

closing his eyes, when with one bound Guiche reached the

Spaniard and placed a pistol at his throat. “Yield!” he

cried, “or you are a dead man!” The musket fell from the

soldier’s hands, who yielded on the instant. Guiche summoned

one of his grooms, and delivering the prisoner into his

charge, with orders to shoot him through the head if he

attempted to escape, he leaped from his horse and approached

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre