Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

of brave, bold men. I speak of that spiteful and intriguing

Italian — of the pedant who has tried to put on his own

head a crown which he stole from under a pillow — of the

scoundrel who calls his party the party of the king — who

wants to send the princes of the blood to prison, not daring

to kill them, as our great cardinal — our cardinal did —

of the miser, who weighs his gold pieces and keeps the

clipped ones for fear, though he is rich, of losing them at

play next morning — of the impudent fellow who insults the

queen, as they say — so much the worse for her — and who

is going in three months to make war upon us, in order that

he may retain his pensions; is that the master whom you

propose to me? I thank you, D’Artagnan.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“You are more impetuous than you were,” returned D’Artagnan.

“Age has warmed, not chilled your blood. Who informed you

this was the master I propose to you? Devil take it,” he

muttered to himself, “don’t let me betray my secrets to a

man not inclined to entertain them.”

“Well, then,” said Athos, “what are your schemes? what do

you propose?”

“Zounds! nothing more than natural. You live on your estate,

happy in golden mediocrity. Porthos has, perhaps, sixty

thousand francs income. Aramis has always fifty duchesses

quarreling over the priest, as they quarreled formerly over

the musketeer; but I — what have I in the world? I have

worn my cuirass these twenty years, kept down in this

inferior rank, without going forward or backward, hardly

half living. In fact, I am dead. Well! when there is some

idea of being resuscitated, you say he’s a scoundrel, an

impudent fellow, a miser, a bad master! By Jove! I am of

your opinion, but find me a better one or give me the means

of living.”

Athos was for a few moments thoughtful.

“Good! D’Artagnan is for Mazarin,” he said to himself.

From that moment he grew very guarded.

On his side D’Artagnan became more cautious also.

“You spoke to me,” Athos resumed, “of Porthos; have you

persuaded him to seek his fortune? But he has wealth, I

believe, already.”

“Doubtless he has. But such is man, we always want something

more than we already have.”

“What does Porthos wish for?”

“To be a baron.”

“Ah, true! I forgot,” said Athos, laughing.

“‘Tis true!” thought the Gascon, “where has he heard it?

Does he correspond with Aramis? Ah! if I knew that he did I

should know all.”

The conversation was interrupted by the entrance of Raoul.

“Is our little neighbor worse?” asked D’Artagnan, seeing a

look of vexation on the face of the youth.

“Ah, sir!” replied Raoul, “her fall is a very serious one,

and without any ostensible injury, the physician fears she

will be lame for life.”

“This is terrible,” said Athos.

“And what makes me all the more wretched, sir, is, that I

was the cause of this misfortune.”

“How so?” asked Athos.

“It was to run to meet me that she leaped from that pile of

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After


“There’s only one remedy, dear Raoul — that is, to marry

her as a compensation ” remarked D’Artagnan.

“Ah, sir!” answered Raoul, “you joke about a real

misfortune; that is cruel, indeed.”

The good understanding between the two friends was not in

the least altered by the morning’s skirmish. They

breakfasted with a good appetite, looking now and then at

poor Raoul, who with moist eyes and a full heart, scarcely

ate at all.

After breakfast two letters arrived for Athos, who read them

with profound attention, whilst D’Artagnan could not

restrain himself from jumping up several times on seeing him

read these epistles, in one of which, there being at the

time a very strong light, he perceived the fine writing of

Aramis. The other was in a feminine hand, long, and crossed.

“Come,” said D’Artagnan to Raoul, seeing that Athos wished

to be alone, “come, let us take a turn in the fencing

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre