Robert Asprin – Tambu

“I’d have to think about it. I can’t just come up with an answer on something that big.”

“Then why are you leaning on me for trying to take time to think?” Tambu accused. “Do you think I’ve been planning in advance for this? Am I supposed to have a master plan in mind for every disaster?”

“Okay! I was out of line! But you’ve had time now. You’d better come up with something fast. Lord knows how the planets will react when they hear-or the rest of the fleet, for that matter.”

Fatigue made Tambu’s laugh harsh.

“Do you want to know how they’re reacting? Over two-thirds of the fleet has called in already. Less than three percent have objected to what happened–and the main protest there was they weren’t notified in advance of the policy change. That’s how upset the fleet is!”

“But the planets-“

“Right along with those call-ins,” Tambu interrupted, “came a tidal wave of sign-ons. Our crews don’t even have to go planetside and ask anymore. Planets are calling them to subscribe. Some of them are relaying calls through other planets. Financially, this is the best thing that’s ever happened to the fleet. We could cut our fees by a third tomorrow and still show a profit.”

He suddenly noticed that Whitey was shrinking on the viewscreen. Not that the reception was bad, but rather that she seemed to be sagging… folding in on herself.

“Are you all right?” he asked, suddenly solicitous. “I didn’t mean to shout at you. It’s just that things have been pretty rough at this end.”

Whitey shook her head, but this time she didn’t raise her eyes.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert