Robert Asprin – Tambu

“How big a ship?”

“About twice our size. And armed to the teeth. If it opened fire, we wouldn’t have a chance.”

“Then I’d say you have a problem,” Tambu announced grimly. “I take it from your comments that so far it hasn’t fired on you?”

“That’s right. It’s just sitting out there watching us. We’ve got its captain on the horn, and he says he wants to talk to you.” “To me? About what?”

“He won’t say, but he says if you aren’t on board our ship, we should relay his transmission to you.” “All right, patch him through.” “Will do,” Puck acknowledged. “Should we try to get our sails in while you’re talking?”

“Negative. If he wants to talk, let’s hear what he has to say before you try anything. Monitor the conversation, though, and keep your weapons manned. If you hear me say my name-the one I was using when we first met-open fire and try to knock him out before he returns fire.”

“Got it,” Puck nodded vigorously. “Oh, Tambu, one more thing you should know. The captain says his name is Blackjack. I think he’s the same one you met back on Trepec.”

“I see. Very well, patch him through.” There was a few moments’ pause. Then Puck’s face faded and was replaced by the impatient countenance of Blackjack. Tambu watched in silence for several moments as the man fidgeted. “You wanted to speak with me?” he said at last. Blackjack started, then squinted at the screen as his hands went to the control dials.

“Excuse me,” he apologized hastily. “There must be an equipment malfunction. I’m not receiving a picture. If I had known you were standing by-“

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Categories: Asprin, Robert