Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Then you’re ashamed of the things you’ve done?”

“Not ashamed, Mr. Erickson. Just not proud. There are certain events and decisions I regret in hindsight. Perhaps it is a rationalization, but I’ve never felt this type of regret was a trait unique to me. Surely there are things in your own past you wish you could do over?”

“There are,” Erickson admitted.

“Then allow me to give you a bit of advice. Or rather, share a philosophy which has helped me when I find myself preoccupied with past mistakes. When I review a decision which turned out bad, I remember it was just that… BAD. “B”… “A”… “D”. Best Available Data. I made the best decision I could, based on the data available, within the time perimeters allowed for the decision. Even though the results may not have gone as I predicted, or as I would have liked, I console myself with the memory of that moment of decision. Given the same situation, the same information, and the same amount of time to reach a decision, I would probably choose the same course of action again.”

“That makes sense.” The reporter nodded thoughtfully. “Thank you.”

“Actually, it’s an old accounting expression. But I find it applies readily to other fields as well.”

“Getting back to an earlier statement,” Erickson pressed, suddenly aware of the interview. “You mentioned having to overcome many difficulties in your career. While it is obvious they would be there, I can only imagine what they must have been. What were some of the specific difficulties you encountered?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert