Robert Asprin – Tambu

“That’s the other reason I’m calling for a mass meeting,” Tambu muttered darkly. “I want the captains to start interacting more, not just tolerating each other. I’m betting that once they’re all together, talking and sharing drinks, they’ll find out that their problems are not unique or individual, but shared by every other captain in the fleet. With any luck, friendships will spring up and they’ll start calling each other for answers instead of coming to me all the time. I’ll wait until the end of the meeting to see if anyone else suggests making the meeting an annual affair-and if no one does, I’ll suggest it myself.”

“I don’t know if you’re overestimating the force or underestimating them,” Ramona commented, shaking her head. “But it’s not going to work.”

“Thanks. I always appreciate a little support for my plans.”

“Oh, the meeting will go okay, but I don’t think it will accomplish what you want it to-your hidden motive, I mean.”

“Hidden motive?” Tambu frowned.

“You should listen to yourself as closely as you listen , to the captains,” Ramona laughed. “What you’ve been I saying is that if the captains start talking to each other and find answers among themselves, then maybe it will ease your status as answer man, that it will give you a chance to ease down off your pedestal. What you’re overlooking is that you’re still instigating it, and the captains will see that. None of them thought of getting together to help each other until you ordered it, just like no one thought of assembling a space fleet until you did it. It may get you off the spot for specific questions and issues, but you’ll still be Number One who can do things no one else even thinks of.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert