Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Yes, Puck?” Tambu asked.

“I’ve been listening for the past hour, and it seems to me we’re saying the same thing over and over. Now, we could all take turns telling horror stories and have a lot of fun one-upping each other and get everyone all worked up, but I don’t see much point in it. We’re all in agreement that our crews are being treated shabbily. Once that’s been established, I think it’s a waste of time to continue recounting the gory details. The real question we should be discussing is what are we going to do about it?”

There was scattered applause as Puck sat down. Tambu smiled to himself. Puck had come a long way from the cocky, hair-trigger kid he used to be. He was rapidly becoming one of the most valuable and popular captains in the fleet.

“I think Puck has put his finger on the problem,” Tambu announced firmly. “If we can dispense with further itemizing of complaints, I’d like to hear some discussion from the floor as to proposed courses of action.”

“We’ve got to hit them back,” Blackjack called, leaping to his feet. “As long as the Groundhogs think they can gang up on our crewmembers and get away with it, they’re going to keep doing it. I say we should teach

ROBERT LYNN ASPRJN them that if they lean on someone off a Tambu ship, they’re going to get it shoved back down their throats.” Tambu frowned at the growls of assent that responded to Blackjack’s suggestion. ” Whitey?” he said, recognizing the scowl on her face. “We can’t do that, Blackjack,” she argued. “Last time I checked, we were still a law enforcement organization. Now, the one rule that’s always held for law enforcement groups is that to gain and keep public support, you can’t use undue force. That means if someone jostles you on the street, you can’t break his arm. If we start going around exacting vengeance with interest for every insult or injury, we’ll never get any public support.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert