Robert Asprin – Tambu

“There’s nothing you can do about this specific incident,” Whitey agreed, “but the crew came up with an idea that could affect the whole fleet. They say they’re tired of taking the blame for things other people do posing as Tambu’s men. They suggested we adopt an emblem or something that could be worn by each crew member when they went planetside so that folks would know who they are. We’re going to try it for the Raven’s crew, but you might want to consider doing it with the whole fleet.”

“What kind of emblem?” Tambu queried.

“We haven’t decided yet,” Whitey admitted. “But we’re thinking in terms of a belt or an armband, something like that.”

“How are you going to keep those same toughs from making their own copies?” Tambu frowned.

“I’ll tell you one thing,” Whitey grinned. “If they do, I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes if any of my crew caught them.”

“That’s not good enough,” Tambu insisted. “Tell you what; call the main spokesmen for your crew up to your cabin and let’s kick this around a little more.”

Insulated by the intricacies of this new problem, he never heard Ramona as she quietly let herself out of his cabin.


“I assume the captains approved your plan?” Erickson asked.

“Unanimously. In hindsight, it wasn’t surprising. It was either that or disband.”

“So you began offering the services of your fleet to the planets on a retainer basis?” the reporter prompted.

“That is correct. And the key word there is ‘offered.’ When you stop to think about it, it was a good deal for the planets. We had built, armed, and organized the fleet at our own expense. All we were asking them to do was contribute toward maintaining it.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert