Robert Asprin – Tambu

“And did it?” Erickson urged.

“It did and it does,” Tambu answered. “For specific examples, you need only look at your backfile news-tapes. Every ship-to-ship battle that’s taken place in the last three years has been the result of someone disobeying orders-in one fleet or the other. I repeat my earlier statement: neither the Alliance High Command or I want our ships to fight. We’re making a good living from the status quo, and any combat, win or lose, costs too much.”

“But the Alliance was formed to destroy your fleet,” the reporter protested.

“They were formed to protect the planets, just as we were,” Tambu corrected. “At first they thought they could best do that by destroying us. As I predicted, they found they couldn’t do it, and instead settled into a pattern of preventive patrol.”

“That last part you didn’t actually predict,” Erickson pointed out bluntly. “As I recall, your prediction was that they would disband.”

“Frankly, I didn’t think they would be intelligent enough to adapt,” Tambu admitted. “Of course, it’s always a mistake to underestimate your opponent. In this case, however, consider it a minor error as it doesn’t really matter. The settled universe is big enough for both fleets-particularly now that the Alliance has come to its senses and abandoned its aggressor role.”

“You seem very sure of yourself.”

“Do I? Yes, I suppose I do. It’s a habit I’ve gotten into over the years. I often wish I was as confident as I sound.”

“I suppose that’s necessary in a command position.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert