Robert Asprin – Tambu

“That sounds awfully considerate,” Erickson observed, not really believing it.

“Only partially,” Tambu admitted. “The other side of the coin was that we were afraid if we didn’t find a way to spread our fees more, that the subscribing planets would decide they were paying too much and withdraw from our roster.”

“While you’re speaking candidly,” the reporter prodded, “I couldn’t help but notice a note of bitterness in your voice when you spoke about the resisting planets. How deep did the emotions run in your fleet over that initial resistance?”

“There were two kinds of bitterness prevalent in the fleet at that time. The first was over the injustice of the refusals. We lost numerous ships in our campaigns against the pirates-ships with friends and comrades on board. It did not sit well with us to be told by the planets that we hadn’t really done anything or risked anything. That was a bitterness we had anticipated, and as such kept under control.”

“And the other kind?” Erickson urged.

“The other kind was over the method of the refusals. As I mentioned earlier, we hadn’t expected all the planets to agree to our proposal. Though we felt our position was reasonable and justified, we held no grudge against an opinion to the contrary. What did surprise us was the venom with which our offer was refused. While most of our crews owned no allegiance or loyalty to the planets, neither did they harbor any ill-will-that is, until they encountered the warm greeting some of the planets had prepared for anyone off a Tambu ship.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert