Robert Asprin – Tambu

“But why?” the reporter asked. “It seems you’re not only accepting your isolation, you’re creating it.”

“Well put, Mr. Erickson. As to why I’m doing this, remember the Scorpion episode. I lost a ship, a good crew, and all my captains because I had allowed my judgment to be clouded by personal friendship. I have found I function much more efficiently in isolation. As I started this latest phase without friends or confidants, it has been relatively easy to avoid forming any. I feel my judgments and appraisals have benefited from this detachment.”

“Have you taken a new mistress?” Erickson said bluntly.

“No,” Tambu replied after a moment’s pause. “I make no pretensions of loyalty to Ramona’s memory. I have no doubts that eventually I will need someone again, but it’s still too soon.”

“It occurred to me earlier in the interview, but now that I’ve heard your whole story, I feel I must make the observation out loud: You pay a terrible price for your position, Tambu.”

“Don’t pity me, Mr. Erickson.” Tambu’s voice was cold. “I do what I do willingly-just as you accept travel, cheap rooms, and restaurant food as a necessary part of your chosen occupation. Once, when I thought of stepping down, I felt regret and remorse. I mentioned at the end of that episode, however, that battle has been won-or lost, depending on your point of view. I am Tambu now, and I do what is necessary to be Tambu. I was born in the early days of the fleet’s formation, and the fleet is my life now.”

“Then you have no plans for retirement now that the Council is ready to assume command?” Erickson asked.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert