Robert Asprin – Tambu

“That must have been pretty rough on your friendship.”

“It was, particularly as the force continued to grow. As my time was divided across an increasing number of ships, my rapport with my original crew-with my friends-became dangerously thin.”

“I can see that,” Erickson commented thoughtfully. “Even adding to your fleet by conquest, the number of ships would grow geometrically.”

“Even faster than that,” Tambu countered. “Few people realize exactly how fast the fleet did grow. You see, not all the new ships came to us as fruits of battle.”


“You’re sure she’ll be all right?” Tambu asked again.

“Look, will you relax?” Whitey scolded, her exasperated expression received clearly on the command console viewscreen. “Women have been having babies since prehistoric times. The hospital is more than able to handle any complications that might arise.”

“I still don’t know why you didn’t sign her into the hospital on Carbo when you were there last month,” Tambu grumbled. “It’s a better facility.”

“We aren’t talking about a limb transplant,” Whitey argued. “It’s a childbirth, a simple childbirth. Besides, I tried to talk her into staying on Carbo and she wouldn’t do it. Deny can be very strong-willed when she sets her mind to it. What was I supposed to do? Force her to go on shore leave and strand her there?”

“It isn’t your fault, Whitey,” Tambu sighed. “I know that. It’s just this is the first childbirth in the fleet, and I don’t want anything to go wrong. I guess I’ve been taking it out on you. Sorry.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert