Robert Asprin – Tambu

“And if they don’t agree with you?”

“Then I’ll resign and let someone else take a shot at running the show.” Tambu’s tone was light, but his sagging shoulders betrayed the depth of his emotion. “I see it as our only hope for survival, but I can’t lead if no one will follow.”

“Then it’s a unilateral decision,” Ramona stated flatly. “No one’s going to buck you if you feel that strongly about it.”

“Don’t be so sure. Sometimes I think some of the captains automatically take the opposite position I do just to be ornery.”

“I am sure,” Ramona insisted. “And if you don’t realize what’s going on, it’s about time you took another look at things. Sure the captains argue with you, because they know you respect people who think for themselves and speak their minds. You tell each person who signs on this force that you won’t tolerate ‘yes-men,’ and they take it to heart. They’ll argue because you tell ’em to, but don’t kid yourself into thinking they’ll go against you on anything big. You’re Tambu, and you call the shots in this outfit. They wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Tambu stared at the blank viewscreen, avoiding her eyes as he thought.

“I don’t know,” he sighed finally. “I hope you’re wrong, but a lot of what you’re saying fits what’s been going on. You know what they say about absolute power corrupting absolutely? Well, I’m no different from anybody else. It scares me to think what I’d be like if I let myself believe I’ve got total control over the force. I mean, even with the ships we have now, without any further expansion, we’re strong enough to seize and hold a half dozen systems-not planets, systems. We could do it, and there’s not a force in the universe that could stop us.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert