Robert Asprin – Tambu

“There it is.” he announced flatly. “The balance of payment. I believe you said fifteen thousand was the difference between the original purchase price and the price you’re asking now?”

“That’s not entirely correct,” the man seated behind the desk said. “It constitutes the difference in currency exchange between the time of purchase and the time of delivery.”

“Semantics,” the visitor countered. “It’s still costing my company fifteen thousand more than we planned.”

“As you will.” The man at the desk sighed. “Would you care to have a seat while I count it?”

“I’d rather stand.”

The seated man had been reaching for the attach‚ case, but at his visitor’s rebuke he hesitated, then sat back in his chair frowning slightly.

“Mr. Dobbs… it is Dobbs isn’t it? Of Dobbs Electronics?”

The visitor nodded stiffly, annoyed there had been any doubt as to his identity. He had been dealing with this man off and on for three days now.

“You seem both upset and determined to express your annoyance by being rude. I find both positions difficult to understand.”

Dobbs started to protest, but the man at the desk continued.

“First of all, when you ordered your materials Cash On Delivery, you accepted the risk of currency-exchange fluctuations. That is standard in any contract of that kind, but it’s still good business. If you paid in advance and our ship was attacked and taken by pirates, you’d be out the full cost of the shipment. As it is, you have to pay only for goods delivered, even though occasionally you have to pay a premium.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert