Robert Asprin – Tambu

“But on Elei they know you’re one of my captains,” Tambu objected. “It shouldn’t be safe.”

“They’ll also know I’ve quit the fleet,” Whitey pointed out. “And why. I don’t think I’ll have much trouble.”

“It sounds like you’ve thought this through pretty carefully,” Tambu observed bitterly.

“I’ve given it some thought, ever since they gave me the news on Elei. Just for the record, Tambu, I think you’re wrong. The fleet was never popular with the planets before, but now you’re taking on the role of an extortionist. I don’t think they’ll put up with that for long. There’s going to be trouble, and I for one don’t want to be around when it hits.”

“That’s one person’s opinion.”

“Maybe,” Whitey shrugged. “But then again, maybe it’s the opinion of a whole lot of people. You should listen to the folks planetside as much as you do to the people in your fleet.”

“At the moment, I’m more concerned with my fleet.”

“I know,” Whitey sighed. “That’s were you’re going wrong. Good-bye, Tambu. Whitey out.”

Ramona reentered the cabin in time to see the view-screen fading to darkness.

“What was all that about?” she asked. “I thought you weren’t going to take any more calls until after you got some sleep.”

“That was a call from the Raven,” Tambu explained, staring at the dark screen. “We just lost another captain-the hard way.”

“Whitey?” Ramona exclaimed, setting down the tray she was carrying and moving to his side, “Whitey’s been killed?”

Tambu rose and started for the bed, ignoring the sandwiches on the tray.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert