Robert Asprin – Tambu

“No, she wasn’t killed. But we still lost her the hard way.”


Erickson was silent for several minutes after Tambu finished his narrative.

“So that’s the way it actually happened,” he said at last.

“Yes,” Tambu sighed. “That’s how it happened. You may use it in your article, if you wish. Enough incidents have occurred since then, it is now an item of historic curiosity more than anything else. I don’t believe it will change anyone’s mind one way or the other.”

“It’s certainly given me something to think about.”

“But it hasn’t changed your mind noticeably. You disapproved of the Zarn incident before, and you still do… regardless of the circumstances.”

“You’re right,” Erickson admitted. “But I will say I’m glad the decision wasn’t mine to make.”

“In case you ponder the problem at leisure sometime in the future, let me give you one extra thought to complicate things. I believe that we are in agreement that if consulted in advance, neither of us would have ordered the strike on Zarn. Remember, though, that you’re trying to put yourself in my place, and that means deciding a course of action after the fact. By the time I entered the picture, the strike was already over-and nothing I could do or say would change that.”

“So the real question was whether to atone for the deed or capitalize on it.”

“That’s right,” Tambu acknowledged. “I chose to capitalize on it. Even in hindsight, I don’t know how we could have atoned for what happened. Perhaps it was weak of me, but it was easier to take advantage of the situation.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert