Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Well… yeah,” Cowboy stammered. “Ah guess that’s what Ah’m sayin’.”

“I see.” Tambu smiled. “Then why stop with the Defense Alliance? The fleet’s strong enough to totally destroy any planet or system in the universe. After we’re done with the Alliance fleet, why not start attacking the planets one by one? We can do it, so why shouldn’t we?”

“Yer pokin’ fun at me,” Cowbody declared, drawing himself proudly erect. “We’re supposed to be protectin’ the planets, not attackin’ them. That’s our job.”

“Forgive me,” Tambu apologized sarcastically. “My mind must be slipping. I wrote the contract we use with the planets, but obviously I’ve forgotten an important part of that agreement. Could you refresh my memory? Just what part of that agreement says that chasing and destroying the Defense Alliance is part of our job?”

Cowboy dropped his eyes uncomfortably.

“We’re-we’re supposed to fight against pirates,” he murmured lamely.

“Are you saying the Alliance is actually a band of pirates?” Tambu pressed mercilessly. “No one’s reported this to me before. That changes everything. Tell me, though, which merchant ships have they attacked? I’ll need that information for my records.”

Cowboy shook his head silently, not looking up.

“I see,” Tambu said at last. “Thank you for your comments, Cowboy. Ratso? Do you have anything to add to the discussion?”

He was careful to use Ramona’s fleet name, but her response caught him totally unaware.

“I yield the floor to Captain Egor,” she announced without rising.

A murmur of surprise ran through the assemblage. Egor had never spoken before at a captains’ meeting.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert