Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Did you let Blackjack join?” Ramona asked.

“Tentatively. It may be a mistake. I can’t help but wonder how he’ll act once he’s operating on his own.”

“It’s my bet he’ll be a model captain,” Ramona stated. “In case you haven’t noticed, the newer the ship, the closer they toe the line. The stronger the fleet gets, the less any individual ship wants to cross you.”

“I’d rather have respect and loyalty than fear,” Tambu stated flatly.

“You’re going to get all three,” Ramona insisted. “You’re becoming a power, and that tends to polarize people’s reactions. Some will love and respect you; others will migrate toward hate and fear.”

“That’s a bit too much for me in one evening.” Tambu rose and stretched. “I’m going to get some sleep while I can. I still maintain I’m just doing my job.”

“I’m not so sure it’s always going to be that simple,” Ramona retorted, uncoiling and starting for the door. “Remember, even now, the only one defining your job is you!”


Erickson took advantage of the recess to inspect the room more closely. His confidence had grown until now he was more relaxed than at the beginning of the interview. Of particular interest to him was the collection of books which adorned the walls.

Much to his surprise, the titles were mostly of an economic or philosophical nature. For some reason, he had been expecting the main thrust of the literature to be military history. Like Tambu, the library was proving to be inconsistent with his preconceived notions.

He was about to take a volume down for closer inspection when Tambu’s voice came over the console’s speaker once more,

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Categories: Asprin, Robert