Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one


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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“That’s my concern; I will make him speak.”

“Ah, my lord, ’tis not easy to make people say what they

don’t wish to let out.”

“Pooh! with patience one must succeed. Well, this man. Who

is he?”

“The Comte de Rochefort.”

“The Comte de Rochefort!”

“Unfortunately he has disappeared these four or five years

and I don’t know where he is.”

“I know, Guitant,” said Mazarin.

“Well, then, how is it that your eminence complained just

now of want of information?”

“You think,” resumed Mazarin, “that Rochefort —- ”

“He was Cardinal Richelieu’s creature, my lord. I warn you,

however, his services will cost you something. The cardinal

was lavish to his underlings.”

“Yes, yes, Guitant,” said Mazarin; “Richelieu was a great

man, a very great man, but he had that defect. Thanks,

Guitant; I shall benefit by your advice this very evening.”

Here they separated and bidding adieu to Guitant in the

court of the Palais Royal, Mazarin approached an officer who

was walking up and down within that inclosure.

It was D’Artagnan, who was waiting for him.

“Come hither,” said Mazarin in his softest voice; “I have an

order to give you.”

D’Artagnan bent low and following the cardinal up the secret

staircase, soon found himself in the study whence they had

first set out.

The cardinal seated himself before his bureau and taking a

sheet of paper wrote some lines upon it, whilst D’Artagnan

stood imperturbable, without showing either impatience or

curiosity. He was like a soldierly automaton, or rather,

like a magnificent marionette.

The cardinal folded and sealed his letter.

“Monsieur d’Artagnan,” he said, “you are to take this

dispatch to the Bastile and bring back here the person it

concerns. You must take a carriage and an escort, and guard

the prisoner with the greatest care.”

D’Artagnan took the letter, touched his hat with his hand,

turned round upon his heel like a drill-sergeant, and a

moment afterward was heard, in his dry and monotonous tone,

commanding “Four men and an escort, a carriage and a horse.”

Five minutes afterward the wheels of the carriage and the

horses’ shoes were heard resounding on the pavement of the


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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After


Dead Animosities.

D’Artagnan arrived at the Bastile just as it was striking

half-past eight. His visit was announced to the governor,

who, on hearing that he came from the cardinal, went to meet

him and received him at the top of the great flight of steps

outside the door. The governor of the Bastile was Monsieur

du Tremblay, the brother of the famous Capuchin, Joseph,

that fearful favorite of Richelieu’s, who went by the name

of the Gray Cardinal.

During the period that the Duc de Bassompierre passed in the

Bastile — where he remained for twelve long years — when

his companions, in their dreams of liberty, said to each

other: “As for me, I shall go out of the prison at such a

time,” and another, at such and such a time, the duke used

to answer, “As for me, gentlemen, I shall leave only when

Monsieur du Tremblay leaves;” meaning that at the death of

the cardinal Du Tremblay would certainly lose his place at

the Bastile and De Bassompierre regain his at court.

His prediction was nearly fulfilled, but in a very different

way from that which De Bassompierre supposed; for after the

death of Richelieu everything went on, contrary to

expectation, in the same way as before; and Bassompierre had

little chance of leaving his prison.

Monsieur du Tremblay received D’Artagnan with extreme

politeness and invited him to sit down with him to supper,

of which he was himself about to partake.

“I should be delighted to do so,” was the reply; “but if I

am not mistaken, the words `In haste,’ are written on the

envelope of the letter which I brought.”

“You are right,” said Du Tremblay. “Halloo, major! tell them

to order Number 25 to come downstairs.”

The unhappy wretch who entered the Bastile ceased, as he

crossed the threshold, to be a man — he became a number.

D’Artagnan shuddered at the noise of the keys; he remained

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre