Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

have told you, it has to do with a great queen.”

“And he was alone in achieving an enterprise like that?”

“No, my lord, he had three colleagues, three brave men, men

such as you were wishing for just now.”

“And were these four men attached to each other, true in

heart, really united?”

“As if they had been one man — as if their four hearts had

pulsated in one breast.”

“You pique my curiosity, dear Rochefort; pray tell me the

whole story.”

“That is impossible; but I will tell you a true story, my


“Pray do so, I delight in stories,” cried the cardinal.

“Listen, then,” returned Rochefort, as he spoke endeavoring

to read in that subtle countenance the cardinal’s motive.

“Once upon a time there lived a queen — a powerful monarch

— who reigned over one of the greatest kingdoms of the

universe; and a minister; and this minister wished much to

injure the queen, whom once he had loved too well. (Do not

try, my lord, you cannot guess who it is; all this happened

long before you came into the country where this queen

reigned.) There came to the court an ambassador so brave, so

magnificent, so elegant, that every woman lost her heart to

him; and the queen had even the indiscretion to give him

certain ornaments so rare that they could never be replaced

by any like them.

“As these ornaments were given by the king the minister

persuaded his majesty to insist upon the queen’s appearing

in them as part of her jewels at a ball which was soon to

take place. There is no occasion to tell you, my lord, that

the minister knew for a fact that these ornaments had sailed

away with the ambassador, who was far away, beyond seas.

This illustrious queen had fallen low as the least of her

subjects — fallen from her high estate.”


“Well, my lord, four men resolved to save her. These four

men were not princes, neither were they dukes, neither were

they men in power; they were not even rich. They were four

honest soldiers, each with a good heart, a good arm and a

sword at the service of those who wanted it. They set out.

The minister knew of their departure and had planted people

on the road to prevent them ever reaching their destination.

Three of them were overwhelmed and disabled by numerous

assailants; one of them alone arrived at the port, having

either killed or wounded those who wished to stop him. He

crossed the sea and brought back the set of ornaments to the

great queen, who was able to wear them on her shoulder on

the appointed day; and this very nearly ruined the minister.

What do you think of that exploit, my lord?”

Page 29

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“It is magnificent!” said Mazarin, thoughtfully.

“Well, I know of ten such men.”

Mazarin made no reply; he reflected.

Five or six minutes elapsed.

“You have nothing more to ask of me, my lord?” said


“Yes. And you say that Monsieur d’Artagnan was one of those

four men?”

“He led the enterprise.”

“And who were the others?”

“I leave it to Monsieur d’Artagnan to name them, my lord.

They were his friends and not mine. He alone would have any

influence with them; I do not even know them under their

true names.”

“You suspect me, Monsieur de Rochefort; I want him and you

and all to aid me.”

“Begin with me, my lord; for after five or six years of

imprisonment it is natural to feel some curiosity as to

one’s destination.”

“You, my dear Monsieur de Rochefort, shall have the post of

confidence; you shall go to Vincennes, where Monsieur de

Beaufort is confined; you will guard him well for me. Well,

what is the matter?”

“The matter is that you have proposed to me what is

impossible,” said Rochefort, shaking his head with an air of


“What! impossible? And why is it impossible?”

“Because Monsieur de Beaufort is one of my friends, or

rather, I am one of his. Have you forgotten, my lord, that

it is he who answered for me to the queen?”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre