Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

ready,” and he put it back again into his pocket.

“I understand,” said the child, with that jeering smile

which marks especially the “gamin de Paris.” “Well, we must


They had not long to wait. Five minutes afterward Bazin set

off on a full trot, urging on his horse by the blows of a

parapluie, which he was in the habit of using instead of a

riding whip.

Scarcely had he turned the corner of the Rue de la Juiverie

when the boy rushed after him like a bloodhound on full


Before ten minutes had elapsed the child returned.

“Well!” said D’Artagnan.

“Well!” answered the boy, “the thing is done.”

“Where is he gone?”

“The half-pistole is for me?”

“Doubtless, answer me.”

“I want to see it. Give it me, that I may see it is not


“There it is.”

The child put the piece of money into his pocket.

“And now, where is he gone?” inquired D’Artagnan.

“He is gone to Noisy.”

“How dost thou know?”

“Ah, faith! there was no great cunning necessary. I knew the

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

horse he rode; it belonged to the butcher, who lets it out

now and then to M. Bazin. Now I thought that the butcher

would not let his horse out like that without knowing where

it was going. And he answered `that Monsieur Bazin went to

Noisy.’ ‘Tis his custom. He goes two or three times a week.”

“Dost thou know Noisy well?”

“I think so, truly; my nurse lives there.”

“Is there a convent at Noisy?”

“Isn’t there a great and grand one — the convent of


“What is thy name?”


D’Artagnan wrote the child’s name in his tablets.

“Please, sir,” said the boy, “do you think I can gain any

more half-pistoles in any way?”

“Perhaps,” replied D’Artagnan.

And having got out all he wanted, he paid for the hypocras,

which he did not drink, and went quickly back to the Rue



How D’Artagnan, on going to a Distance to discover Aramis,

discovers his old Friend on Horseback behind his own


On entering the hotel D’Artagnan saw a man sitting in a

corner by the fire. It was Planchet, but so completely

transformed, thanks to the old clothes that the departing

husband had left behind, that D’Artagnan himself could

hardly recognize him. Madeleine introduced him in presence

of all the servants. Planchet addressed the officer with a

fine Flemish phrase; the officer replied in words that

belonged to no language at all, and the bargain was

concluded; Madeleine’s brother entered D’Artagnan’s service.

The plan adopted by D’Artagnan was soon perfected. He

resolved not to reach Noisy in the day, for fear of being

recognized; he had therefore plenty of time before him, for

Noisy is only three or four leagues from Paris, on the road

to Meaux.

He began his day by breakfasting substantially — a bad

beginning when one wants to employ the head, but an

excellent precaution when one wants to work the body; and

about two o’clock he had his two horses saddled, and

followed by Planchet he quitted Paris by the Barriere de la

Villete. A most active search was still prosecuted in the

house near the Hotel de la Chevrette for the discovery of


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At about a league and a half from the city, D’Artagnan,

finding that in his impatience he had set out too soon,

stopped to give the horses breathing time. The inn was full

of disreputable looking people, who seemed as if they were

on the point of commencing some nightly expedition. A man,

wrapped in a cloak, appeared at the door, but seeing a

stranger he beckoned to his companions, and two men who were

drinking in the inn went out to speak to him.

D’Artagnan, on his side, went up to the landlady, praised

her wine — which was a horrible production from the country

of Montreuil — and heard from her that there were only two

houses of importance in the village; one of these belonged

to the Archbishop of Paris, and was at that time the abode

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre