Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

a devoted friend, I beseech you.”

And now, where are you going, viscount?” inquired De Guiche.

“To join the army, under the prince, count.”

“And I, too!” exclaimed the young man, in a transport of

joy. “Oh, so much the better, we will fire the first shot


“It is well; be friends,” said the tutor; “young as you both

are, you were perhaps born under the same star and were

destined to meet. And now,” continued he, “you must change

your clothes; your servants, to whom I gave directions the

moment they had left the ferryboat, ought to be already at

the inn. Linen and wine are both being warmed; come.”

The young men had no objection to this proposition; on the

contrary, they thought it very timely.

They mounted again at once, whilst looks of admiration

passed between them. They were indeed two elegant horsemen,

with figures slight and upright, noble faces, bright and

proud looks, loyal and intelligent smiles.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

De Guiche might have been about eighteen years of age, but

he was scarcely taller than Raoul, who was only fifteen.



The halt at Noyon was but brief, every one there being

wrapped in profound sleep. Raoul had desired to be awakened

should Grimaud arrive, but Grimaud did not arrive.

Doubtless, too, the horses on their part appreciated the

eight hours of repose and the abundant stabling which was

granted them. The Count de Guiche was awakened at five

o’clock in the morning by Raoul, who came to wish him

good-day. They breakfasted in haste, and at six o’clock had

already gone ten miles.

The young count’s conversation was most interesting to

Raoul, therefore he listened much, whilst the count talked

well and long. Brought up in Paris, where Raoul had been but

once; at the court, which Raoul had never seen; his follies

as page; two duels, which he had already found the means of

fighting, in spite of the edicts against them and, more

especially, in spite of his tutor’s vigilance — these

things excited the greatest curiosity in Raoul. Raoul had

only been at M. Scarron’s house; he named to Guiche the

people whom he had seen there. Guiche knew everybody —

Madame de Neuillan, Mademoiselle d’Aubigne, Mademoiselle de

Scudery, Mademoiselle Paulet, Madame de Chevreuse. He

criticised everybody humorously. Raoul trembled, lest he

should laugh among the rest at Madame de Chevreuse, for whom

he entertained deep and genuine sympathy, but either

instinctively, or from affection for the duchess, he said

everything in her favor. His praises increased Raoul’s

friendship twofold. Then came the question of gallantry and

love affairs. Under this head, also, Bragelonne had much

more to hear than to tell. He listened attentively and

fancied that he discovered through three or four rather

frivolous adventures, that the count, like himself, had a

secret to hide in the depths of his heart.

De Guiche, as we have said before, had been educated at the

court, and the intrigues of this court were not unknown to

him. It was the same court of which Raoul had so often heard

the Comte de la Fere speak, except that its aspect had much

changed since the period when Athos had himself been part of

it; therefore everything which the Count de Guiche related

was new to his traveling companion. The young count, witty

and caustic, passed all the world in review; the queen

herself was not spared, and Cardinal Mazarin came in for his

share of ridicule.

The day passed away as rapidly as an hour. The count’s

tutor, a man of the world and a bon vivant, up to his eyes

in learning, as his pupil described him, often recalled the

profound erudition, the witty and caustic satire of Athos to

Raoul; but as regarded grace, delicacy, and nobility of

external appearance, no one in these points was to be

compared to the Comte de la Fere.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

The horses, which were more kindly used than on the previous

day, stopped at Arras at four o’clock in the evening. They

were approaching the scene of war; and as bands of Spaniards

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre