Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

I took them.”

Meantime Porthos had reloaded his pistols.

“Be on the qui vive!” cried D’Artagnan. “Here are two other


As he spoke, two horsemen advanced at full speed.

“Ho! your honor!” cried Mousqueton, “the man you upset is

getting up.”

“Why didn’t thou do as thou didst to the first man?” said


“I held the horses, my hands were full, your honor.”

A shot was fired that moment; Mousqueton shrieked with pain.

“Ah, sir! I’m hit in the other side! exactly opposite the

other! This hurt is just the fellow of the one I had on the

road to Amiens.”

Porthos turned around like a lion, plunged on the dismounted

cavalier, who tried to draw his sword; but before it was out

of the scabbard, Porthos, with the hilt of his had struck

him such a terrible blow on the head that he fell like an ox

beneath the butcher’s knife.

Mousqueton, groaning, slipped from his horse, his wound not

allowing him to keep the saddle.

On perceiving the cavaliers, D’Artagnan had stopped and

charged his pistol afresh; besides, his horse, he found, had

a carbine on the bow of the saddle.

“Here I am!” exclaimed Porthos. “Shall we wait, or shall we


“Let us charge them,” answered the Gascon.

“Charge!” cried Porthos.

They spurred on their horses; the other cavaliers were only

twenty steps from them.

“For the king!” cried D’Artagnan.

“The king has no authority here!” answered a deep voice,

which seemed to proceed from a cloud, so enveloped was the

cavalier in a whirlwind of dust.

“‘Tis well, we will see if the king’s name is not a passport

everywhere,” replied the Gascon.

“See!” answered the voice.

Two shots were fired at once, one by D’Artagnan, the other

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

by the adversary of Porthos. D’Artagnan’s ball took off his

enemy’s hat. The ball fired by Porthos’s foe went through

the throat of his horse, which fell, groaning.

“For the last time, where are you going?”

“To the devil!” answered D’Artagnan.

“Good! you may be easy, then — you’ll get there.”

D’Artagnan then saw a musket-barrel leveled at him; he had

no time to draw from his holsters. He recalled a bit of

advice which Athos had once given him, and made his horse


The ball struck the animal full in front. D’Artagnan felt

his horse giving way under him and with his wonderful

agility threw himself to one side.

“Ah! this,” cried the voice, the tone of which was at once

polished and jeering, “this is nothing but a butchery of

horses and not a combat between men. To the sword, sir! the


And he jumped off his horse.

“To the swords! be it so!” replied D’Artagnan; “that is

exactly what I want.”

D’Artagnan, in two steps, was engaged with the foe, whom,

according to custom, he attacked impetuously, but he met

this time with a skill and a strength of arm that gave him

pause. Twice he was obliged to step back; his opponent

stirred not one inch. D’Artagnan returned and again attacked


Twice or thrice thrusts were attempted on both sides,

without effect; sparks were emitted from the swords like

water spouting forth.

At last D’Artagnan thought it was time to try one of his

favorite feints in fencing. He brought it to bear,

skillfully executed it with the rapidity of lightning, and

struck the blow with a force which he fancied would prove


The blow was parried.

“‘Sdeath!” he cried, with his Gascon accent.

At this exclamation his adversary bounded back and, bending

his bare head, tried to distinguish in the gloom the

features of the lieutenant.

As to D’Artagnan, afraid of some feint, he still stood on

the defensive.

“Have a care,” cried Porthos to his opponent; “I’ve still

two pistols charged.”

“The more reason you should fire the first!” cried his foe.

Porthos fired; the flash threw a gleam of light over the

field of battle.

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As the light shone on them a cry was heard from the other

two combatants.

“Athos!” exclaimed D’Artagnan.

“D’Artagnan!” ejaculated Athos.

Athos raised his sword; D’Artagnan lowered his.

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre